The Global Midwife with Sarah Nkansah BOATENG: Pregnancy by choice


Pregnancy is a profound experience that can bring immense joy. But for many, it can also be a source of significant distress and uncertainty. In a world where women’s reproductive rights are constantly under scrutiny, the topic of abortion remains a highly sensitive and contentious issue.

It is crucial, however, that we engage in open and honest discussions about this complex subject, moving beyond the rhetoric and instead focusing on the real-world experiences and perspectives of those directly affected. In this article, we will explore the nuances of abortion, addressing the social, ethical and legal implications, while empowering individuals to make informed decisions.

Choosing to become pregnant is one of the most significant decisions a person can make. Whether planned or unplanned, pregnancy has a profound impact on a person’s life and well-being. One aspect of pregnancy that is often debated, but not openly discussed, is abortion.

In Ghana, unsafe abortion contributes as the second highest cause of maternal mortality rates and this is especially among the adolescents.

Abortion is a controversial and sensitive topic, but it’s important that we approach it with empathy and compassion. Many people who become pregnant do so by choice, and they should have the right to determine if and when they are ready to take on the responsibilities of parenthood. For some, that may mean choosing to have an abortion.

It’s crucial to remember that the decision to have an abortion is a highly personal one. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, as each person’s circumstances and reasons are unique. Some may choose abortion due to financial constraints while others may not feel emotionally or physically prepared for parenthood. Whatever the reason, it is not our place to judge.

In my years of practice as midwife, I have seen some women and adolescents lose their lives because of unsafe abortion. Others end up with debilitating health complications like loss of womb and infection. Will we rather want to keep losing lives while there is a solution?

As a society, we need to move past the stigma and shame often associated with abortion. By having open and honest conversations, we can work toward normalising it as a valid reproductive healthcare option. Abortion should be treated with the same level of respect and dignity as any other medical procedure.

At the end of the day, the choice to have an abortion belongs to the person who is pregnant. It is their body, their life and their future. We must trust and empower them to make the best decision for their individual situation.

In conclusion, the decision to have an abortion should be a personal choice made by the woman. Pregnancy should be a choice, not an obligation. Women should have full autonomy over their reproductive health and have access to safe, legal abortion services. It’s time to move past the stigma and political debates surrounding this issue and empower women to make the best decisions for their own bodies and lives. Every woman deserves the right to choose her own path when it comes to pregnancy and family planning.

So, let’s talk about abortion. Let’s listen without judgment, offer support without coercion and respect the autonomy of those faced with this deeply personal choice.

I am your Global Midwife and I am always at your cervix.

>>>the writer is a midwife and an advocate for reproductive, maternal and child health, menstrual health and hygiene. The visionary founder of Nkansahs Foundation—a non-profit dedicated to achieving SDG 3. As a radio host of ‘Talk to Your Midwife,’ she uses the airwaves to spread crucial reproductive health information

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