MTN organises blood donation exercise in W/Region                                      


By Juliet Aguiar DUGBARTEY

MTN Ghana Foundation has organised its annual ‘Save a Life’ blood donation to support the National Blood Service and restock regional blood banks.

The ‘Save a Life’ project was instituted by MTN Ghana Foundation in 2011 in response to a call by the National Blood Service to help restock the blood bank.

So far, 29,000 units of blood have been collected since its inception. Last year, over 5,000 units of blood was raised across the 16 regions.

This year in the Western Region, five bleeding-centres were set up for the exercise.

According to Kennedy Ofosuhene, MTN Corporate Services Advisor-Southern Ghana, the exercise has transitioned from being a purely MTN staff event to include business partners, agencies and members of the general public.

He explained that apart from helping restock the national and regional blood banks, the event seeks to encourage voluntary blood donation across the country.

“Health is one of the three focus areas of the MTN Foundation; as a result, we commit resources that provide access to health care delivery,” he said.

He noted that human capital is critical to developing the country. Each year, thousands of lives are lost because of blood shortage  in various blood banks across the country.

“We continuously receive calls from health authorities to support projects aimed at collecting blood. Mass blood donation exercises have proven to be very successful in responding to this very critical issue in health care delivery,” he pointed out.

In 2021, Mr. Ofosuhene said the MTN Ghana Foundation constructed and furnished a blood bank for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Cape Coast Hospital

“We hope to contribute significantly in reducing maternal mortality, as there is evidence of a direct correlation between the availability of blood and maternal mortality,” he added.

Madam Mary Avormey, Donor Care Division-Efffia Nkwanta Regional Hospital Blood Bank, explained that blood donations help patients undergoing surgeries, pregnant women and accident victims among others to have constant supply of blood for emergencies and medical crises.

“Getting donors to donate blood hasn’t been easy at the regional blood banks, I plead with the public to voluntarily donate blood and save lifes. We thank MTN Ghana for this annual exercise,” she added.