The power of small tools


By Bernard Kelvin CLIVE

Today, I want us to look at the impact of using small technologies to enhance businesses, brands, products, and services. Technology is a tool that anyone, in any field, can leverage in some way to increase productivity and profitability.

I’ll share a few stories from my experiences, working with people who have utilized basic technologies to improve their games and boost their results. Along the way, I’ll sprinkle in some fun experiences we can all learn from to help push our brands and businesses forward.

The key point is this: whatever you’re doing in this day and age, you need some form of technology—often small technologies—to advance your work.

With the rise of AI tools and other tech innovations, there are now countless options available. From simple apps, plugins, and scripts, to tools that can quickly streamline tasks, we all have access to resources that can make us more efficient.

Let’s not get stuck in old methods just because they still work. If you want to become more effective and efficient, you have to step up your game.

A while back, I wrote an article about a vulcanizer in my neighborhood who has been using the same old tools for years. While he’s excellent at what he does, he hasn’t been innovating. Recently, I came across a social media post by Kwabena Peprah of Wonderlust, who shared an experience with a vulcanizer who had upgraded his equipment. The difference in speed and efficiency was remarkable. Where it once took manual effort and significant time to change a tire, this vulcanizer had modern tools that made the process much faster and smoother.

It got me thinking—how many of us are still stuck in outdated methods, even though there are tools and technologies available that can save us time and effort? Whether it’s apps, plugins, or simple scripts, there are resources in every field that can help us improve.

The PA Taking Minutes

Let me start with this. Recently, in one of our meetings, the secretary was assigned to take notes and provide the minutes afterward, along with a summary report. During the meeting, I noticed someone scribbling away, writing everything down. Meanwhile, all I did was plug in my phone, open an app, hit record, and capture the entire conversation. By the end of the meeting, I used a tool to quickly summarize everything. When I shared the summary, I was met with surprise—”How did you do that? I didn’t even see you writing!”

That’s the power of using small tools. It was just a simple app, a script, really. Most of these tools are free, and if you want more advanced features, you can opt for the paid versions. These tools make your work easier, faster, and more efficient. Within minutes of every meeting, I have summaries, action points, and details ready to go. There’s no need to waste time re-listening to hours of audio or sifting through handwritten notes.

As an author and ghostwriter, these are the kinds of tools I use daily to simplify my work. The question for you is: what tool can you use now?

I’m going to share three stories of friends who have used small tools to enhance their businesses—and they’re thriving because of it. As you read, think about what small tools might help you in your field and who you might consult to get access to them.

The Carpenter with the Power Tool

A professional carpenter was hired to do some work on my house about seven years ago.

Daniel arrived with his tools—traditional, mechanized equipment such as nails, hammers, screws, and drills. He did an excellent job with the wardrobe, demonstrating the skills of a seasoned professional. At the time, he was using the same tools many in his trade have relied on for years, and his work was solid.

Fast forward to a few months ago, when I hired him again for another project. This time, he came alone, carrying a small, portable device. With ease, he fixed everything in place using this new tool—a rechargeable, electronic drill that didn’t require a power source during use. Within minutes, the job was done, and I was amazed at the efficiency.

He had invested in this small, modern tool, which saved both of us a lot of time and effort. I was impressed, not only by the simplicity and effectiveness of the tool but also by the fact that he had recognized the importance of upgrading his equipment. Unlike others who might rely solely on hard work and longer hours, he had found a way to work smarter, not harder.

This new tool cost him some money upfront, but it has proven to be a valuable investment. It allows him to complete more jobs in a day, saves him energy, and ultimately boosts his earning potential. He can now charge more for his work because he is more efficient and productive.

Daniel Batsa’s story is a great illustration that we can all benefit from investing in small tools and technologies that enhance what we do. These small improvements can lead to significant gains in both time and profitability, allowing us to grow our businesses more effectively.

The Power of Forward-Thinking Investments in Technology

I met Ernest Kyekye through a mutual friend about a decade ago. Back then, he was in the printing and signage industry, doing the usual—t-shirt printing, stickers, and related work. However, just a year or two ago, he made a significant leap by acquiring a UV printing machine. This advanced machine can print on virtually any surface, far beyond what traditional screen printing could handle.

The versatility of the UV printer is astounding—it can print stickers, business cards, and more on a variety of surfaces. I was truly impressed by how Ernest adopted new technology to push the boundaries of his craft. He’s an entrepreneur who refuses to stay stagnant, always thinking ahead and exploring ways to improve his business.

Investing in this technology was no small feat. It required a considerable amount of money, time, and learning to master the new tool. But Ernest’s willingness to make that investment is now paying off. He’s expanding his offerings, producing 3D prints, and handling larger projects with greater efficiency. The new equipment even allows him to reduce the amount of manual labor required, streamlining his operations.

Ernest’s story relays the need for us, as business owners, to stay attuned to new tools, technologies, and systems that can help us advance. The first step is to invest—whether it’s in time, money, or skills. It may not always be easy, but the rewards are worth it.

As artificial intelligence and other innovations continue to reshape industries, we must ask ourselves: what small but impactful technologies can we adopt to move our businesses forward? The power of embracing new tools, even seemingly small ones, can unlock tremendous potential.

The Unexpected Power of Everyday Tools

Recently, I went out with my friend George to take some measurements for a project. In our haste, we completely forgot the ruler and measuring tape. Upon realizing this, I asked, “Charlie, where’s the tape?” He responded, “We left it behind.” Given the distance we had already walked, going back wasn’t an option.

Without missing a beat, George said, “No worries, I’ll use my phone.”

Surprised, I asked, “Phone? How?”

He explained that his iPhone had a built-in tool for measuring spaces and objects. I watched in amazement as he pulled out his phone, set a few coordinating points, and quickly provided the measurements we needed. It was so simple and efficient, all thanks to a feature I had never thought to explore.

That moment was a revelation. Our phones, which we carry every day, are equipped with so many powerful tools that can help us work more effectively. I had no idea my phone could perform such a task, yet it did so effortlessly.

This experience raises an important question for all of us: what small technologies or tools are we overlooking that could significantly improve our work and efficiency? The solutions may already be at our fingertips, waiting for us to discover and utilize them.

So, take a moment to think: what little tools or technologies can you invest in to level up your business, your brand, or even your daily tasks? The possibilities are endless, and the best is yet to come.

Let me hear from you regarding your branding and book publishing needs.

Bernard Kelvin Clive is a leading authority on personal branding and digital book publishing in Africa. With over a decade of experience in digital publishing, he has been a trusted consultant for entrepreneurs, pastors, and individuals looking to build their brands and write their books.

. To learn more about Bernard and his work, visit WhatsApp: +233244961121

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