Talk to your midwife SARAH NKANSAH BOATENG: Preconception care


As we look toward the future and the possibility of starting or expanding our families, it’s crucial that we prioritise our preconception health.

Preconception care is the care and planning that takes place before pregnancy, and it plays a vital role in ensuring the best possible outcomes for both mother and child. Many people usually overlook consultation before pregnancy, largely because of ignorance. In this post, we’ll cover the key elements of preconception care and share practical tips to help you get ready for this incredible chapter of your life.

Why is preconception care so important?

Simply put, the choices and behaviours we engage in during this critical time can have a lasting impact on the health and development of our future children. From managing chronic conditions to taking vital supplements, preconception care lays the groundwork for a healthy pregnancy and a thriving baby.

Preconception activities

During preconception care, couples work closely with their healthcare providers to address a variety of important factors. This may include:

  • Reviewing medical histories and identifying any potential risk factors
  • Ensuring vaccinations are up-to-date and screening for infections
  • Discussing the use of prescription medications and their potential impacts
  • Evaluating overall health, including weight, nutrition and mental well-being
  • Providing guidance on lifestyle changes to support fertility and fetal development

Importantly, preconception care isn’t just for those actively trying to conceive. In fact, it’s recommended that all individuals of reproductive age engage in preconception planning, as unintended pregnancies are quite common. By taking proactive steps before pregnancy, we can significantly improve outcomes and give our future children the best possible start in life.

So, when should you start thinking about preconception care?

The simple answer is: as soon as possible. Experts recommend that individuals and couples begin their preconception journey at least 3-6 months before attempting to conceive. This allows ample time to make any necessary changes and ensure optimal health.

As you can see, preparing for a healthy pregnancy goes beyond just the 9 months of carrying a child. Preconception care is an important and often overlooked step that can make a big difference in the health of both you and your future baby. So don’t take this period for granted!

Speak to your OBGYN or midwife about steps you can take now to get your body ready. And if you haven’t joined our waitlist yet, be sure to tap the link below to get access to our free tools that can help you track your fertility, menstrual cycle and pregnancy journey. With the right preparation, you can create the healthiest possible start for your little one.

I am your Global Midwife, and I am always at your cervix.

Sarah Nkansah Boateng also known as The Global Midwife. She is a midwife by profession and an advocate for reproductive, maternal, child and menstrual health and hygiene as well as as  founder of Nkansahs Foundation—a non-profit dedicated to achieving SDG 3.