NGO inspires school children for a better life


AJ’s Help The Needy Project has launched an initiative called AJ INSPIRES at the Nana Awuku Bram Methodist school in the Okere District of the Eastern Region to ignite young minds through guidance and counselling session.

The project aimed at educating students to understand, their fundamental human rights, societal challenges and the need for them to contribute positively towards community development.

The launch under the theme “Believing in ourselves, Identifying our Potentials” sought to explore the interests, strengths, and talents of young pupils  that would  help them understand that everyone has unique abilities and potential to contribute to the development of their communities .

The event brought together stakeholder form the health, security, traditional authorities, students from respective schools and community members to grace the occasion.

The fire service team educated the pupils and the gathering the need learn how to use the fire r=extinguishers and also fire safety precaution to avoid any accident.

Some stakeholder also shared their life and career paths to inspire the eager pupils for emulation.

To support their education, the AJHTNP team presented students with educational materials such as exercise books, pens, mathematical sets, and rulers.

The school was also presented with a special citation and two packs of whiteboard markers to show appreciation.

The founder of AJHTNP,Anita Opoku-Appiah, said, the initiative was to engage students in order to instil  hopes to foster a benevolent approach to life.

“The younger generation need our support to make a concrete decision for their future career and lives hence our project” she said.

“Believing in oneself is the first step to unlocking one’s full potential, therefore the need for such initiative by AJHTNP,” She said.

She  therefore urged students to believe in themselves, be focused, and determined to reach their goals.

AJ’s Help The Needy Project  (AJHTNP) is a  non-profit organization established in 2018 with the mission to give back to the vulnerable in society. Since its inception.

It has positively impacted the lives of underprivileged children, vulnerable individuals, widows, among others.

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