B&FT’s Dr. Acquaye adjudged CEO of the Year in Print Media


Dr. Godwin Acquaye, Chief Executive Officer of Ghana’s leading business newspaper- the Business and Financial Times (B&FT), has been adjudged CEO of the Year in Print Media in 2023 at the Ghana CEO Excellence Awards.

He was among several CEOs from various sectors honoured for their diligence, commitment and hard work at the 8th Ghana CEO Summit held in Accra.

The Ghana CEO Excellence Awards is a platform to recognise and celebrate outstanding businesses and leaders for their remarkable achievements. These awards highlight success, innovation, leadership and contributions to the economy.

Presented annually at the Ghana CEO Summit, the awards honour individuals and organisations that exemplify excellence in their practices, demonstrate visionary leadership and drive business and economic growth.

The one-day summit, themed ‘Reigniting Business and Economic Growth: Charting a Path Forward; Economic Diversification and Artificial Intelligence Transformation. A Private-Public Sector CEO Dialogue and High-Impact Learning’.

The annual Ghana CEO Summit, founded in 2016, has participants of over 500 topmost CEOs, Heads of State, entrepreneurs, business leaders and policymakers from West Africa and around the world.

Chief Executive Officer of the CEO Network Ghana, organiser of the Summit, Ernest De-Graft Egyir touted the theme for this year’s edition as one that encapsulates the need for Ghana’s private and public sectors to collaborate in navigating a rapidly evolving global landscape.

He maintained that by fostering dialogue between CEOs from both sectors and emphasising high-impact learning, the summit sought to inspire strategic partnerships and actionable insights to propel Ghana’s economic resurgence in the digital age.

The 8th Ghana CEO Summit & Expo also featured a presidential session where Vice President of Ghana, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, and former President John Dramani Mahama discussed key topics such as resetting the economic agenda, private sector development, reigniting economic growth, economic diversification, digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI).

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