Prof. McBagonluri receives top engineering honour


The prestigious Virginia Tech Academy of Engineering Excellence has inducted Prof. Fred McBagonluri, the Founding President of Academic City University College. This recognition signifies Prof. McBagonluri’s exceptional contributions to the field of engineering globally, as well as his outstanding leadership in academia.

With only 179 alumni out of more than 79,000 from the Virginia Tech College of Engineering ever receiving this honour, Prof. McBagonluri’s induction positions him among the leading engineering professionals globally.

The Academy of Engineering Excellence, founded in 1999 under the leadership of Dean Emeritus William Stephenson and the Advisory Board of the College of Engineering, honours individuals who have made sustained and meritorious contributions to engineering and/or leadership throughout their careers. Only those who have reached the pinnacle of their professional accomplishments are eligible for membership in the academy.

Typically, the academy inducts 5-8 new members each year. Virginia Tech celebrates the honorees of the Academy of Engineering Excellence with a special dinner each spring. This event brings together distinguished alumni to honour their outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the engineering profession.

Prof. McBagonluri’s induction into the 2024 Class reflects not only his personal achievements, but also Academic City’s commitment to nurturing excellence in STEM education. His leadership as President of the university continues to inspire the next generation of engineers and innovators.

Speaking at his induction ceremony, Prof. Fred McBagonluri emphasised that the honour is a strong reminder of the important role engineers play and the positive impact they can make on the world.

“As I accept this honour, I am also aware of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Unprecedented technological advancements and complex global issues confront the world, demanding innovative engineering solutions. As members of this esteemed academy, our responsibilities include leading the way, pushing the boundaries of knowledge, and upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity in our work.

“Engineering, to me, is more than a profession. It is a calling to improve the world through creativity, ingenuity, and relentless problem-solving. We, as engineers, have the unique ability to transform ideas into reality, build solutions that improve lives, and drive progress in society. This induction serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibilities and the impact we can make,” he further stated.

Prof. McBagonuri stated his unwavering commitment to upholding the values of the Engineering Academy of Excellence and contributing to its mission.

“I’m going to keep pushing for innovation, helping out the next generation of engineers, and working together with different fields to tackle the urgent challenges we face,” he emphasised.