The Future of Work Capsules: What will be the future of recruitment?


I find the changing nature of work very interesting. Not so long ago – recruiters and hiring managers used to be consumed by tons and tons of paper applications in the form of curriculum vitae (CV) and or resumes in search of jobs. To me, finding space for these paper applications was a herculean task then. Are CVs dead or still treasured in today’s highly digitized job market? What could disrupt it?

The future of work evolution has introduced among other things; the era of virtual recruiting which has earned its place in the ongoing talent acquisition strategies of nearly every industry across the country. We will dive into the controversial issue of whether the CV is dead when a skills-based hiring approach is now considered key for helping employers build and sustain a more inclusive workforce. How are you recruiting? More employers are starting to embrace skills-based hiring practices. With the likes of Boeing, Walmart, and IBM campaigning to tear the paper ceiling, and pledging to implement skills-based practices what new can we learn from this evolving trend?

The future of recruitment is expected to develop considerably, with several key trends emerging around Automation, Strategic Planning, Up-skilling, the use of Chatbots, and more.  Automation as used here is the use of technology to automate repetitive tasks in the recruitment process which per research stance is expected to increase. The use of chatbots in recruitment is getting more popular. These AI-automated software robots are getting smarter. They answer job seekers’ questions, pre-screening candidates, schedule interviews, and more.

In strategic planning, we position recruitment and consider it more strategic, with a focus on long-term planning. The focus leads to alignment with company objectives where recruiters will take up more visible strategic roles within the business. I have discussed the subject matter of up-skilling at length in my previous publications. Its use in this context is to throw more light on recruiting departments to upgrade to tracking new metrics and adopting new technologies instead of the use of paper applications many may be accustomed to. There will be a serious focus on diversity and inclusion. Research has it that, diverse teams are more knowledgeable, perform better, and generally have more success. This discussion will lead to the school of thought advocating that recruiters will start thinking like marketers. These trends suggest that the role of recruiting itself is evolving, and recruiters will need to adapt to these changes to succeed in the future.

To the subject of the day. Are CVs dead or still valuable in today’s highly digitized job market? What could disrupt it?

Skills-based hiring is evaluating specific skills and abilities rather than relying solely on qualifications or experience. This method aims to ensure that individuals are assessed based on their competency to perform a specific job rather than using subjective indicators like resumes or personal connections. This could be the game –changer.

Phases to Skills-based Hiring Implementation & Benefits

Skills-based hiring as a talent acquisition approach evaluates job candidates based on their unique and individual abilities and skills, as opposed to assessing them based on more “traditional” measures, like previous job titles, educational attainment, or other more subjective factors. This method is gaining traction as it provides a more objective and effective way to evaluate candidates – and ensure they have the necessary capabilities to succeed in a given role.

To implement a skills-based hiring process, one must start by conducting a job analysis and creating a skills matrix to identify any existing skills gaps by talking to the team and manager, as well as observing those already doing the job. We proceed by redefining job description requirements, focusing on the skills required for the job and its assessment and evaluation.

After deriving objective assessments and evaluations to measure the skills of candidates, we conduct skills-based interviews to assess the skills of candidates and move on to implement a training program for new hires with the objective to help develop the skills these new hires need for the job including soft skills and communicate that required skills clearly.

Having a conversation with the hiring manager to spell out the skills needed for the job is important because; the skills evaluation helps eliminate those that are non-operational and supports your sustainable planning experience expected to encourage your organization’s leadership to share all of the positives that come with shifting to a skills-based strategy. The last two steps are to conduct a collaborative skills analysis, working closely with the hiring manager to understand the responsibilities of the role and the core skills needed to perform them well. Meet with other employees on the team to speak to the people, your new hire will be working with every day, to get a more rounded view of the role and important work behaviors.

Skills-based hiring offers several benefits.

It is faster, fit for open positions, cost-effective, and promotes fairness, and increases employee engagement as well as retention among others.

Skills-based hiring can speed up the hiring process by focusing on the skills and abilities of candidates. This approach allows organizations to assess candidates equitably based on what they can do, as opposed to what is historically shown to have been done. This can result in a more diverse talent pool. By focusing on the skills required for a job, you can find candidates who are a better fit for open positions which can lead to reduced costs by improving job match, resulting in increased revenue. Lack of growth opportunities at an organization is often one of the major reasons why employees leave. So, if organizations provide employees with opportunities to demonstrate and apply their skills, that will translate to employee career progression, engagement, and increased retention. It also promotes fairness and equity. Evaluating employees and new hires based on their skill sets instead of their work history can help level the playing field. Another benefit is that it increases the likelihood of finding the most qualified person for the job.  Skills-based hiring refers to a hiring process that focuses on a candidate’s abilities, knowledge, and experience in a specific area, rather than their education or past employment history. It taps potential top talent as well as boosts employee engagement and retention. When employees are put in roles where they can make significant contributions, it will result in better overall business outcomes. It saves time because, hiring based on skills will drastically improve job match, resulting in increased revenue. We say skills–based hiring increases diversity and improves department workflow because the hiring can increase the candidate pool and diversity, as well as impact department workflow positively.

The Use of Assessment centers and other candidates’ skills measurement tools.

You will agree with me that measuring a candidate’s skills objectively can be achieved through a variety of methods from the use of skills Assessment Tests, to using the job description to identify the skills required for the job.  To diving into past performance reviews to assess a candidate’s skills. The use of an aptitude test to measure a candidate’s skills is equally great. Asking other people for feedback about a candidate’s skills or the use of self-reflection to assess a candidate’s skill or the adoption of an analytical skills assessment evaluates a candidate’s ability to analyze data, information, and situations.  Typically, we ask test-takers to answer questions or complete a series of tasks that will evaluate their skills in logical thinking and reasoning, quantitative analysis, critical thinking, data analysis, and decision-making. Group and the use of multi-interviews are other known methods. With the group interview, preplanned questions used will spread objective analysis among team members and reduce the effects of bias or first impressions. Finally, with the multi-interviews, we conduct two or more interviews to assess job candidates and review scorecards or evaluation forms together afterward. These are ways we measure candidates’ skills.

Are CVs dead per research?

To this end, I dare say the resume is not dead per research. Although skills-based hiring and alternative assessment methods have gained popularity, the resume / CV still serves as a valuable tool for job seekers to showcase their qualifications, experience, and achievements to potential employers. Resumes provide a concise and organized overview of a candidate’s background, skills, and employment history. They allow employers to quickly assess a candidate’s qualifications and determine if they meet the basic requirements for a position.

However, it’s worth noting that the traditional format of resumes is evolving. Job seekers are increasingly encouraged to include more skills-based information, highlight key accomplishments, and tailor their resumes to specific job opportunities. They may also include links to portfolios, online profiles, or other examples of their work to supplement their resume. While the importance of resumes remains, it is essential for job seekers to adapt and enhance their resumes to align with the changing needs of employers and the skills-based hiring approach. Candidates should focus on emphasizing their abilities, achievements, and relevant experiences to stand out in a competitive job market.

Identified challenges to skills-based hiring

Skills-based hiring, despite the fact it’s beneficial, does come with its own set of challenges:

  1. Implementing skills-based hiring often requires adding an additional stage to the hiring process, which can be challenging for some organizations. Also, the questions around the reliability of tests are another tough one. There can be doubts about the reliability and validity of skills assessment tests.
  2. The high volume of applications and budget restraints are next. Skills-based hiring can lead to a higher volume of applications, which can be difficult to manage, especially for global teams. There may be budgetary constraints when implementing a new recruitment process.
  3. Organizations can have doubts about the quality and integrity of skills-based assessments. There can be concerns about the quality and integrity of the assessments used in skills-based hiring. It can be challenging to also evaluate assessments from a large candidate pool.
  4. Organizations may resist changing their traditional hiring practices as there may be a lack of understanding among stakeholders about the benefits and implementation of skills-based hiring. Some organizations may face resource limitations when trying to implement skills-based hiring and there may be concerns that unconscious bias could still influence the hiring process.
  5. It can be challenging to source, validate, and measure skills effectively and objectively. Some organizations are comfortable clinging to the degree requirement and years of experience requirement. Research from Test Gorilla has it that, this process eliminates 70% or more of otherwise qualified candidate’s right from the start and reduces the hiring pool by an additional 15 to 20%. Certain language choices also discourage diverse candidates from applying.

Despite these challenges, the research from Test Gorilla and Forbes stances is that – many organizations find the benefits of skills-based hiring prevail over the difficulties.


Baptista outlines current trends and changes to the future of work, the workforce and work itself. She is the CEO of FoReal HR Services and author of the New Book – Prepare for the Future of Work. Building a team of efficient & effective workforce is her business. Affecting lives is her calling!  She is a Hybrid Professional, HR Generalist, public speaker, researcher and a prolific writer. You can reach her via e-mail on [email protected]   or follow this conversation on social media pages; @Sarahtistagh.   Call or WhatsApp: +233(0)262213313.  Follow the hashtag #theFutureofWorkCapsules #FoWC