Leading across distinctions


…The synergy of asymmetrical engagement of “Look Alike, Think Alike, and Dress Alike

The paradigm of leadership that promotes homogeneity, characterized by teams that “look alike, think alike, and dress alike,” has historically been favored for its perceived harmony and reduced conflict. This study delves into the potential pitfalls of such leadership models, emphasizing the dangers of reduced diversity of thought, diminished creativity, overlooked talent, decreased resilience, and the perpetuation of societal biases. Preliminary findings suggest that while homogeneity might offer short-term comforts and superficial consensus, it inherently stifles innovation, perpetuates stereotypical norms, and renders organizations less adaptable to unforeseen challenges. In contrast, diverse teams exhibit enhanced problem-solving capabilities, increased adaptability, and a broader spectrum of innovative solutions. As organizations navigate an increasingly globalized landscape, embracing diversity emerges as a key determinant of long-term success.

In the realm of leadership, a dangerous yet often overlooked pitfall exists: the tendency to surround oneself with individuals who “look alike, think alike, and dress alike.” On the surface, this may seem like a harmonious arrangement. After all, similar individuals often have fewer conflicts and can come to a consensus more easily. However, beneath this façade of harmony lies a multitude of problems that can undermine a team’s performance, creativity, and resilience.

In many instances, the banes of such leadership engagement often generate some of the following symptoms in the organization:

  1. Reduced Diversity of Thought

When everyone thinks alike, a team becomes vulnerable to cognitive biases. Without diversity of thought, ideas go unchallenged, and groupthink becomes prevalent. Leaders who foster such environments inadvertently stifle innovative solutions and can miss out on differing perspectives that may be crucial for solving complex problems.

  1. Homogeneity and Creativity

Innovation thrives on the confluence of varying experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives. A team that looks, thinks, and dresses similarly is less likely to challenge the status quo. The result? Stagnation. Organizations that fail to diversify are often left behind in an ever-evolving global landscape.

  1. Overlooking Talent

By focusing on superficial similarities, leaders risk overlooking genuine talent that doesn’t fit a particular mold. This not only deprives the organization of potentially game-changing individuals but also sends a message about what is valued, leading to potential morale and retention issues.

  1. Reduced Resilience

A homogenous team is less adaptable. When faced with unexpected challenges, a lack of diversity can become a serious liability. Diverse teams, on the other hand, have a myriad of experiences and problem-solving approaches to draw upon, increasing the likelihood of finding a solution.

  1. Perpetuation of Biases

A “look alike, think alike, dress alike” mentality reinforces societal biases. Whether consciously or unconsciously, leaders who promote such environments perpetuate stereotypes and limit opportunities for those who don’t fit the mold.

The dynamics of leadership and team composition are critical components in the tapestry of organizational performance. Traditionally, leadership theories have advocated for the congruence between leader capacities and follower competencies. However, emerging perspectives suggest a more nuanced approach, where leaders of varying calibers engage with team members who may not mirror their own skills and attributes but complement them instead. This article explores the interplay between leaders categorized as A, B, C, and D and their preferences for engaging with followers at different levels of competence, positing that A leaders prefer A+ players, B leaders seek out C players, and C leaders gravitate towards D players.

There is therefore no gain in saying that leadership has long been a subject of extensive study, with an overarching emphasis on the matching of leader-follower competencies. However, the intricacies of leadership engagement reveal a preference pattern that is not necessarily symmetrical. This article examines a stratification model where leaders (A, B, C, and D, with A being the highest caliber) exhibit distinct preferences for follower engagement that do not align with the assumed linear hierarchy of skills and competencies.


A Leaders Engaging A+ Players:

A leaders, defined by their visionary perspective and exceptional decision-making abilities, inherently seek continuous improvement and innovation. Their preference for engaging with A+ players—individuals who not only exhibit top-tier competencies but also push the boundaries of excellence—is rooted in the desire to forge paths that have yet to be charted. A+ players stimulate A leaders with challenges and debates, fostering an environment where the status quo is constantly questioned and refined.

B Leaders and C Players:

B leaders, characterized by strong managerial capabilities, often find their best matches in C players. This group of followers is competent and reliable but lacks the transformative spark of A+ players. B leaders excel in harnessing the potential of C players, providing direction and structure that enable these individuals to enhance their performance. The B leader and C player dynamic is symbiotic; leaders guide and develop, while followers execute and maintain the organizational momentum.

C Leaders Preferring D Players:

C leaders, often occupying supervisory or mid-level management roles, may not possess the innovative flair of A leaders or the seasoned expertise of B leaders. Yet, they play a crucial role in the fabric of organizational leadership. Their inclination to engage with D players—those who are in the nascent stages of their development or are underperforming—can be attributed to the leaders’ ability to impart foundational skills and oversee incremental progress. C leaders provide a scaffold for D players to climb, gradually building their capabilities.

The asymmetrical engagement of leaders and followers underscores a deeper recognition of the value in diversity of skills and experience levels. The preferences elucidated here speak to a strategic allocation of resources where leaders channel their strengths to optimize the growth and contribution of their teams.

For A leaders, the pursuit of excellence is catalyzed by the presence of A+ players, who serve as both collaborators and challengers. The B leader’s mentorship of C players reflects a middle ground, where potential is molded into proficiency. C leaders’ work with D players is a testament to the foundational nature of leadership, where the basics are taught and performance is nurtured from the ground up.

The interaction between different calibers of leaders and followers is a dance of asymmetry that, when well-choreographed, leads to organizational harmony. The propensity for A leaders to engage A+ players, for B leaders to seek out C players, and for C leaders to connect with D players reveals an intricate balance. Each leadership level finds its complement in followers who provide the appropriate canvas for their skills, creating a dynamic and interdependent system of growth and development.


By embracing the nuances of these engagements, organizations can strategically leverage the unique strengths of their leaders, cultivating environments where both leaders and followers are positioned not just to succeed, but to excel. The allure of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals is undeniable. It offers the comfort of shared understanding and reduces friction. However, for leaders aiming to foster dynamic, innovative, and resilient teams, it’s essential to resist this siren call. The benefits of embracing diversity – in thought, appearance, and approach – far outweigh the temporary comforts of homogeneity. In today’s interconnected world, the organizations that value and promote diversity are the ones poised for long-term success.

Disclaimer: All quotes, extracts, and excerpts are duly acknowledged.

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