Comms and Branding Insights: Beyond the smiles—the untold story of customer care revolution


Greetings, dear readers! Today, let’s embark on a journey to uncover the contrasting facets of Ghana’s renowned hospitality – the welcoming smiles, the warm embraces, and the genuine spirit of communal support that reverberates through the nation. However, amid this picturesque façade lies a disheartening truth that merits reflection: the shocking state of customer care in many organisations.

From the bustling streets of Accra to the serene corners of Kumasi, Ghana’s reputation for hospitality has long been the subject of admiration and awe. Visitors often leave our shores with stories of the friendliness and kindness they encountered during their stay. Our welcoming culture is deeply embedded in the fabric of our society, and it has played a pivotal role in shaping our national identity. But, there seems to be an unsettling disconnect when it comes to customer care within the walls of various businesses.

Walk into any establishment, whether it be a bank, a restaurant or a retail store, and you might often find yourself experiencing a disconcerting lack of warmth and empathy. The very qualities that make our nation stand out on the global stage appear to be lost amid the pursuit of profit and the pressures of modern-day business. This jarring reality raises an important question: have we inadvertently let our prized hospitality erode within the confines of organisational structures?

The roots of this issue are multi-faceted. On one hand, we cannot deny that the rapid pace of modernisation and commercialisation has left its mark on Ghanaian society. As businesses compete for survival and growth in an increasingly globalised economy, customer care sometimes takes a backseat to financial considerations. The pursuit of bottom-line results can inadvertently shift the focus from building meaningful relationships with customers to merely ticking off performance metrics.

However, let us not place the blame solely on external factors. As consumers, we also play a significant role in shaping the dynamics of customer care. How often do we demand excellent service and hold businesses accountable for their actions? Are we willing to pay a premium for quality treatment, or do we prioritise cost above all else? By fostering a culture that values exceptional customer care, we can encourage organisations to prioritise these aspects and bridge the gap between expectation and reality.

It is essential to acknowledge the efforts of many organisations that have, indeed, embraced the true essence of Ghanaian hospitality. Countless establishments, both big and small, continue to uphold the values of warmth, courtesy and attentiveness toward their customers. They serve as shining examples of how businesses can harmoniously integrate commercial success with genuine care for their patrons.

To overcome the prevailing disconnect, there needs to be a collective effort – a partnership between consumers, businesses and the government. Businesses must invest in employee training and empowerment to cultivate a culture of hospitality from within. Customer-centric values should be ingrained in the DNA of organisations to ensure that each interaction becomes an opportunity to create a lasting impression.

Likewise, consumers should be more vocal about their expectations and preferences. By expressing our desires for a better customer experience, we can encourage organisations to strive for excellence. Let us not underestimate the power of feedback and constructive criticism in shaping positive change.

Moreover, the government can play a role in fostering a conducive environment for businesses to thrive while upholding the spirit of Ghanaian hospitality. By crafting policies that incentivise customer-centric practices and reward organisations that excel in customer care, we can create a marketplace that celebrates both economic growth and genuine human connection.

As we look ahead, it is time for us to reflect on the striking disparity between Ghana’s touted hospitality and the prevailing state of customer care in our organisations. Let us reclaim our heritage of warmth and empathy, not just within our homes and communities, but within the heart of our business practices as well.

How some organisations are changing this narrative

In the midst of the prevailing narrative of lacking customer care in some organisations in corporate Ghana, there are indeed shining examples of businesses that are actively working to change this narrative and exemplify the true essence of Ghanaian hospitality. These organisations have recognised the importance of exceptional customer care as a key driver of success and have taken deliberate steps to foster a customer-centric culture. Let’s take a look at some of the ways they are making a positive impact:

  1. Empowering employees: Leading organisations in Ghana understand that employees are the heart and soul of delivering exceptional customer care. They invest in comprehensive training programmes to equip their staff with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitude to engage with customers effectively. By empowering their employees, these organisations create a sense of ownership and responsibility, which translates into improved service delivery.
  2. Listening to customer feedback: Instead of being defensive or dismissive of customer complaints, forward-thinking organisations actively encourage feedback from their customers. They understand that feedback is a valuable source of insights into what they are doing right and where improvements are needed. Customer feedback is taken seriously, and changes are implemented based on these inputs.
  3. Implementing technology solutions: Many organisations in corporate Ghana are embracing technology to enhance their customer care efforts. From customer relationship management (CRM) systems to personalised communication platforms, technology is being leveraged to streamline interactions and provide a seamless experience for customers.
  4. Going the extra mile: Some businesses are redefining customer care by going above and beyond the call of duty. They surprise their customers with unexpected gestures of kindness, such as personalised notes, special discounts, or small tokens of appreciation. These acts of generosity create lasting impressions and reinforce the sense of genuine hospitality.
  5. Embedding values into company culture: Changing the narrative of customer care starts from within. Organisations that prioritise customer care do not view it as an isolated department; but rather, as an integral part of their overall company culture. They infuse their values of warmth, respect and empathy into every aspect of their operations, from hiring to performance evaluations.
  6. Fostering long-term relationships: Customer care is not just about immediate transactions; it’s about building enduring relationships. Recognising this, some organisations in corporate Ghana focus on cultivating long-term connections with their customers. They understand that loyalty is earned through consistent, reliable and empathetic service.
  7. Community engagement: A few companies are extending their hospitality beyond their customers and into the community. They actively participate in social initiatives, support local causes, and contribute positively to the society they serve. This commitment to community building reflects their genuine concern for the welfare of their customers and fellow citizens.
  8. Leading by example: Finally, some organizations are setting a precedent by showcasing exemplary customer care. Their success stories inspire other businesses to follow suit and raise the bar for customer service across industries.

While the shocking state of customer care in some organisations in corporate Ghana remains a concern, there is hope on the horizon. Many businesses are actively working to change this narrative and embody the true spirit of Ghanaian hospitality. By empowering employees, listening to customer feedback, leveraging technology, and embedding values of warmth and empathy into their company culture, they are redefining what it means to truly care for customers. As more organisations join this movement, the reputation of Ghana’s hospitality can be truly restored, both within our borders and beyond.

Vital for growth

The centrality of customer care to customer retention and overall business growth cannot be overstated. Customer care is not just a department or a single aspect of a business; it is the lifeblood that nourishes the relationship between a company and its customers. Here’s why customer care plays a pivotal role in driving customer retention and business growth:

  1. Building customer loyalty: Exceptional customer care creates a strong emotional connection between the customer and the brand. When customers feel valued and heard, they are more likely to remain loyal to the company. Loyal customers not only continue to make repeat purchases, but also become brand advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth and attracting new customers.
  2. Reducing customer churn: Customer churn, or the rate at which customers stop doing business with a company, can be costly for any organisation. By providing top-notch customer care, businesses can reduce churn by addressing customer concerns, resolving issues promptly, and maintaining a positive customer experience.
  3. Driving customer referrals: Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend a company to their friends, family and colleagues. Word-of-mouth referrals are powerful and cost-effective marketing tools. When a business consistently delivers excellent customer care, it generates positive reviews and referrals that contribute to organic growth.
  4. Increasing customer lifetime value (CLV): Customers who have a positive experience and receive exceptional care are more likely to continue doing business with the company over an extended period. This increases their lifetime value to the business, as they make multiple purchases and engage in upsell or cross-sell opportunities.
  5. Enhancing brand reputation: Customer care significantly impacts a company’s brand reputation. Positive experiences create a favourable impression of the brand, leading to a positive perception in the market. On the other hand, poor customer care can damage a company’s reputation and result in negative reviews and publicity.
  6. Differentiation in a competitive market: In today’s highly competitive business landscape, products and services can often be similar across various companies. Exceptional customer care becomes a crucial differentiating factor that sets a business apart from its competitors. Customers are more likely to choose a company that prioritises their needs and provides exceptional support.
  7. Upselling and cross-selling opportunities: When customers trust a company and have a positive relationship, they are more receptive to upselling and cross-selling efforts. By understanding their needs and preferences, businesses can offer relevant additional products or services that meet their customers’ requirements.
  8. Customer feedback for continuous improvement: Customer care provides a valuable feedback loop for businesses. Through customer interactions, companies can gather insights into customer preferences, pain points and areas for improvement. This feedback is invaluable for making informed business decisions and enhancing overall operations.
  9. Nurturing long-term relationships: Customer care is not just about resolving immediate issues; it’s about fostering long-term relationships. Businesses that prioritise customer care invest in maintaining connections with their customers even after a sale, ensuring ongoing satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer care is the cornerstone of customer retention and overall business growth. It goes beyond addressing individual customer interactions; it is about creating a culture of empathy, responsiveness, and genuine concern for the customers’ needs and experiences. When businesses prioritise exceptional customer care, they lay the foundation for sustainable growth, increased customer loyalty, and positive brand reputation in the long run.


The shocking state of customer care in some organisations in corporate Ghana is a pressing issue that demands attention. While Ghana’s renowned hospitality is a cherished aspect of our national identity, its translation into the realm of customer care within businesses remains inconsistent.

However, there is hope on the horizon. Some organisations in corporate Ghana are actively working to change this narrative by prioritising exceptional customer care. These forward-thinking companies understand that customer care is not just an isolated aspect of their operations; it is the lifeblood that nourishes lasting relationships with their patrons.

By empowering employees, listening to customer feedback, leveraging technology, and embedding values of warmth and empathy into their company culture, these organisations exemplify the true essence of Ghanaian hospitality. They are setting a precedent and inspiring other businesses to follow suit, bridging the gap between expectation and reality when it comes to customer care.

But this transformation is not the sole responsibility of businesses. Consumers and the government also play a crucial role in fostering a culture that values customer care. As consumers, we should demand exceptional service and hold businesses accountable for their actions. Our voices and feedback have the power to drive positive change.

Moreover, the government can encourage and incentivise customer-centric practices through policies that reward businesses that prioritise exceptional customer care.

As we move forward, let us remember that the transformation of customer care in organisations is a collective endeavour. It requires a partnership between consumers, businesses and the government to create a marketplace that truly reflects Ghana’s touted hospitality.

So, let us embark on this journey together, celebrating the organisations that lead by example and encouraging others to embrace the true spirit of Ghanaian hospitality. By doing so, we can shape a future where every customer interaction becomes an opportunity to showcase the warmth, kindness and genuine concern that define our nation’s identity. As we strive for excellence in customer care, we can strengthen our businesses, foster customer loyalty, and uplift the reputation of Ghana’s hospitality on the global stage.

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