The Attitude Lounge by Kodwo Brumpon: Chance, Choice and Character


“When a lion cannot find flesh to feed on, it has no choice but to eat the grass.” – African Proverb

How life progresses is dependent on the synergy of the choices we make. Every impulse for action is generated by the opportunities available and the state of our individual characters. It is the reason each and every one of us determines what and how far something ‘progresses’. Put simply, the state of the world results from all our collective choices. We all know life is a journey of perpetual growth and fulfillment. It is a journey that beckons us to be fully human – to embrace our vulnerability, acknowledge our imperfections and rise above our challenges, but not all of us rise to the occasion.

Truthfully, life – no matter the way you see or think about it – offers us a sacred purpose; which is to uphold the noblest ideals of our shared humanity and be a testament to the power of the human spirit. In embracing this task, we navigate the tapestry of existence with grace and purpose, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of time. The journey is however not determined solely by the circumstances we encounter, but by the way we choose to respond to them. Each choice we make, every step we take, contributes to fulfilling the profound task of maintaining our humanness amid the ebb and flow of challenges tweaked into life.

This is where many of us fail our humanity. We tend to forget that to be a human being among people signifies more than a mere presence; it signifies an unwavering commitment to uphold the values which define our shared humanity, and to make life better in every way possible. It was such an understanding that led the young Fyodor Dostoyevsky, the renowned Russian novelist, to write in an existential exhale of a letter to his brother hours after his death sentence was repealed: that “to be a human being among people and to remain one forever, no matter in what circumstances, not to grow despondent and not to lose heart – that’s what life is all about, that’s its task”.

The world is facing unprecedented adversities, and our resolve is being tested. Individually and collectively we are being challenged to bend without breaking, and to weather the storms without losing sight of our humanity. We are living in times when our calling is to face challenges with unwavering determination, to transform hardships into stepping stones, and to emerge from trials stronger and more steadfast than before.

This is where the adage “the tough get going when the going gets tough” comes into play. The essence is for us to preserve our hearts’ capacity for compassion, kindness and love, even when faced with disappointment or betrayal. Life needs us to remain open and receptive to the truth, beauty and goodness that it has to offer.

Too often, too many of us become despondent in the face of overwhelming challenges. But we need to understand that adversity is an inevitable companion on our journey. How we respond will either weaponise it and dim the light within us, erode our hope and sow seeds of doubt; or neutralise it to retain an unshakable optimism that transcends circumstances.

That is why the strength of our character is key in any circumstance. Our humanity calls us to resist any adversity with unwavering vigour. It beckons us to consciously choose to cultivate hope even in the darkest of times, to believe that we have the power to overcome, and to persistently seek the silver-lining amid the clouds of uncertainty.

The dichotomy between life’s promises and challenges is the reason for the complex decisions we all encounter. They are chances that confront us to make choices which involve weighing potential rewards against potential risks. Our task is not only to observe and report, but also to interpret and decide. Whatever we choose is a responsibility that mirrors our own character. Our choices shed light on the power of perspective. We may all experience the same events, but we distinctively interpret them. The variation in perception emphasises the subjectivity of human experience and ultimately our character. The richer our thoughts, the more likelihood that we are positive and choose to be optimistic.

The challenges of our day may seem unsurmountable, but they are opportunities for us to bring out the best in us. That is why with faith, determination and a willingness to face them head-on we shall overcome them. Let us therefore reflect on our thoughts and examine our own journeys – the dreams we pursue, the challenges we encounter, and the decisions we make. This is because wherever we find ourselves, we have to make choices based on our observations and beliefs; and they will be ones that align with our values and aspirations…


Kodwo Brumpon is a partner at Brumpon & Kobla Ltd., a forward-thinking Pan African management consultancy and social impact firm driven by data analytics with a focus on understanding the extraordinary potential and needs of organisations and businesses – to help them cultivate synergies which catapult them into their strategic growth and certify their sustainability.

Comments, suggestions and requests for talks and training should be sent to him at kodwo@brumponand