Tribaverse set to host ‘Greensight Environmental Summit’


Tribaverse, an Afrobeats festival that seeks to create environmental awareness and solve climate change issues by exhibiting the richness and diversity of African culture, will host the Greensight Environmental Summit (GES) on Saturday, June 24, 2023.

The GES, inspired by a unifying theme – ‘A Path to a Greener Future: Driving a Green Economy in Ghana’ – will be held at the British Council, Accra-Ghana, with a list of other influential personalities as attendees.

Tribaverse, known as a great place to learn, network and enjoy performances inspired by a unifying theme to promote green practices and address environmental challenges impacting communities, will have three-time Grammy nominee artist and activist Rocky Dawuni as one of the speakers.

According to organisers, the summit will give speakers a platform to highlight environmental challenges and also suggest solutions to promote green practices. At the event, the co-founder of Tribaverse, Luigi Houdson, will introduce the audience to Tribaverse’s mission.

Tribaverse aims to encourage sustainable practices that mitigate climate change toward limiting its adverse effects in Ghana: such as rising sea levels, flash-floods, changing weather patterns and more, by supporting afforestation practices and giving back to societies in need.

The event will be hosted by media personality Natalia Andoh and opened by a keynote speaker with some great personalities as speakers – like Rocky Dawuni and a special guest from the Ministry of Forestry.

As part of the brand’s vision of leveraging the power of music, arts and culture to foster sustainable development of climate-resilient communities, Tribaverse will roll out other impactful events like a virtual Career Ready workshop, a coastal clean-up day event, a street cleaning and green campaign, a green festival launch and the Tribaverse Green Festival to promote and achieve green practices.

The Greensight Environmental Summit is sponsored by Ghana Trip. Stay tuned for more announcements on the line-up, programming and more.