Dafamation: Five years on the run


…the six accusers in the Miss Ghana pimping saga

News Desk report

Latest findings by this publication have shown that the six defendants who made wild allegations, causing a sustained period of vilification for Inna Patty & Exclusive Events Ghana – organisers of the Miss Ghana Pageant, appear to have been avoiding the bailiff for almost a year.

The undue delay and persistent absconding had resulted in an application for court to grant the plaintiffs the order to serve the defendants by substituted service.

The case – Inna M Patty & Exclusive Events Ghana (Plaintiffs) vs the following six defendants; Chris Vincent, Delali Kemavor, Stephanie Karikari & Margaret Kuma- Mintah, Guiseppina Baafi & Ghana Celebrties.Com – has been ongoing in the last five years, since 2018.

Key findings revealed that the defendants have persistently failed to file their responses within reasonable time frame in what appears to be a deliberate and calculated attempt to frustrate the judicial process by filing in responses in bit and pieces.

Indeed, failure of their legal team nor defendants to show up in court on several occasions have also been a contributing factor which has delayed the case, a situation which had occasionally prompted the judge to penalise the defaulters through fines.

Though the COVID-19 pandemic, along with its ripple-effects, resulted in a huge backlog of cases – a situation which affected operations and sittings, this was clearly regarded as official and does not correspond with the ‘runaway’ attitude being shown by the defendants.

Strangely, these group of six people who were condescendingly alleged to ‘kick Inna Patty’s arse in court’ are now playing long drag games with the justice system. As of March 8, 2023, plaintiffs filed hearing notice and yet again, only one of the three lawyers representing the defendants was present.

When contacted on these latest findings, Inna Patty said: “The wheels of justice grinds slowly but justice will not be denied”.

Keen followers of this event look forward to the case management period, which begins on April 25 and a mutually agreed date for trial to begin. Hopefully the defendants and their legal team would attach more seriousness, so this case can be put to rest. Best of luck to both parties!

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