Recipes with Dainess Chef School: Nkatie cake (Peanut brittle)


Nkatie cake, also known as groundnut cake or peanut brittle, is a popular snack in Ghana made from groundnuts, sugar and oil. It is a sweet and crunchy snack that is commonly sold by street vendors and can be enjoyed any time of the day. Nkatie cake is a delicious and nutritious snack that is high in protein and healthy fats from the groundnuts. It is also a great source of energy and can provide a quick boost when needed. It is a must-try for everyone in Ghana or who is interested in West African cuisine.


  • 1 cup roasted groundnuts.
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp oil


  1. Peel groundnuts and pour into a bowl.
  2. Crush them halfway either in a blender or earthenware bowl.
  3. Pour some oil into a saucepan on fire and add sugar.
  4. Stir the sugar with the oil till the sugar melts and turns brown.
  5. Add groundnuts to mixture and stir till it mixes well.
  6. Get a flat tray or chopping board and smear oil on it.
  7. Pour groundnut mixture onto the tray or chopping board and use a rolling pin to make a flat design.
  8. Afterwards, cut the cake into smaller pieces as you want it, and keep it in a covered container, away from air.