Poetry Corner: Hallowed Invisible Vampire (HIV 6)


To earn a passage to a greener wonderland

He was required to present a cleaner healthier hand

A cleaner bill of health

To pass from step one to step two

He was to meet requirements outlined in a document or two

Subsequently he subjected himself to a bouquet of medical inquiries


All results returned negative but one

One result returned positive but why

Why did HIV return positive as he learned to live so positively?

What does a virus want in an innocent’s closet

Where did a virus pass to reach a zipped flap?

How would a virus pass into a chaste loin?

And into non-tranfused veins?



The counselling session was a shouting exhaustion

…with his physician

He would not take a positive result for his HIV test

He doubted the calibre of the test

He did not know how the testing instruments were calibrated

How they tainted his blood samples with a positive tag


He sent his letter

…of protest

To all who matter

To his doctor

..a pointed protest

To his counsellor

..a passionate protest

To his preacher

…a pious protest

To his maker

…a prayerful protest

To his lawyer

..a paid protest

To all quarters

..a popular protest


All those who matter

Lent their ears to his protest letter

That protest earned him another round of tests

That test must not be just another test

That test must be a test to put all to rest


His protest earned him the test he deserved

And a palpable negative result returned

The negative result he deserved

A positive result an invisible soul deserved

But a negative result was he served

To commence a spreading spree


So they knew why a positive result was handed him

That was a case of swapping two different results

A case of tagging the wrong person with the wrong result

So they knew what a positive missile they handed another

Innocently carrying contaminated blood forever


Now there was a Harmful Invisible Vampire


Innocently roaming the streets

Ready to infect to effect defects free-ly


An innocent weapon of mass destruction

An invisible weapon of mass infection