Join the Seed Starter Programme on Feb 28 – March 2 in Tamale


Do you…

  • Do you have a climate-smart or green business idea?
  • Need expert support to turn it into reality?

… then the SEED Starter is for you!

What is SEED Starter?

The SEED Starter promotes the incubation of new eco-inclusive enterprises. Setting up a business is both an exciting and challenging task. Turning an idea into a product or service customers actually want to buy requires not only a deep-dive into the market, but also business skills and the right team and partners. Considering all aspects can be challenging. Therefore, SEED supports young teams of entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas through the SEED Starter programme.

How does it work?

During the SEED Starter programme, the selected teams will develop and refine their business ideas under the guidance of experts.


The SEED Starter invites applications from teams (2 to 5 members per team) with green and inclusive business solutions to key social and environmental challenges in their communities.

To apply, create an account on the SEED Platform via:

The SEED Starter workshop Call for Applications is open until February 14, 2023.

About SEED

SEED was founded at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg by UN Environment, UNDP and IUCN as a global partnership for action on sustainable development and the green economy. SEED is based on the understanding that the promotion of social and environmental entrepreneurship is pivotal for environmentally friendly and socially inclusive development and poverty reduction.

For more information visit:

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