CanoeVibes: Nkyinkyim Museum hosts ‘Freedom Parade 2022’ on Dec 10 at Ada


The Nkyinkyim Museum, founded by an esteemed Ghanaian artist and cultural activist, Kwame Akoto-Bamfo, has announced its inaugural ‘Freedom Parade’ which is scheduled for December 10, 2022 at the Nkyinkyim Museum in Nuhalenya-Ada, 8am prompt.

The curator, Kwame Akoto-Bamfo, has described the Freedom Parade as a symbolic ceremony in commemoration of African ancestry and the victories of emancipation from all forms of bondage – physical and spiritual. The ceremony will involve the parading of Africans and people of African descent from the diaspora and a general audience.

The parade would allow participants to contribute to this celebration of freedom through the contributions of their ideas and thoughts in the re-narration of African truth while venting frustrations of current African living experience through performance.

The event shall witness a splendid spectacle of African body painting and communal theatre while paying homage to undented African arts and unique cultures. The theatrics of the performances would emulate the freeing of Africans from various forms of bondage by parade leaders. While the parade is an educational and entertaining exercise, it is predominantly a spiritual exercise to reconnect with African ancestral roots, and to atone and celebrate the lives and sacrifices of African ancestors.

The event will span over a three-day period, and activities will be as follows:

Day 1 – 9/12/2022 

Communal Work and Clean up exercise

This day marks the opening and preparation of the Freedom Parade. Artists, curators, volunteers, museum staff and the general community will commence the three-day event with clean up exercises and set-ups in and around the museum.

Day 2 – 10/12/2022

Freedom Parade

This day marks the flagship of the Freedom Parade. Activities of the day would include traditional prayers and the display of African arts and culture.

Day 3 – 11/12/2022

Send Off Party

This day marks the official closure of the three-day event. Activities of the day will include guest and stakeholder engagements, networking and an official closing ceremony and launch of Freedom Parade 2023.

The event seeks to invite all people of African descent and the general public who wish to learn more about their traditions and to contribute toward the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage of Africa. The attire for the event is any African traditional wear and body painting/arts – which would be done at the venue.

The Nkyinkyim museum humbly extends an invitation to all for support and sponsorship. The sponsorship entitlement is an extended exposure and promotions on the museum’s websites, mention in radio promotions, seminars and on all social media platforms.

Come and experience African cultural heritage through the arts.

#Freedom parade

# Freedom to create

# Freedom to live



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