ASA donates to ‘special people’ at Nkoranza


ASA Savings and Loans Ltd. has donated assorted items to the residents of PCC Hand in Hand Community Care, a home for people who are mentally and physically disabled at Nkoranza in the Bono East Region.

The items worth thousands of Ghana cedis included wheelchairs, crutches, mattresses, soft drinks, diapers and other toiletries. The donation forms part of ASA Savings and Loans annual corporate social responsibility.

The Divisional Manager in charge of the Northern Division of ASA Savings and Loans, Hauil Hassan who presented the items, said the gesture was aimed at helping to alleviate the excruciating plight of ‘special people’.

He said people of that nature deserve devoted attention and care from society, and urged the public not to relegate their upkeep in order to make life comfortable for such unfortunate section of society.

On behalf of ASA, Mr. Hasan further pledged to organise free health screenings and offer scholarship packages for them to help improve their living conditions.

Receiving the items, Manager of PCC Hand in Hand Community Care, Samuel Baffo, expressed gratitude to the financial institution for its gesture – saying the items will help in the upkeep of residents.

He expressed concern about the negative perception that people with such conditions are cursed and therefore being ignored by larger society, indicating that the Home relies heavily on benefactors outside the country.

He said, “Some people believe if you invest in the less-privileged ones such as those here, one will be afflicted by evil attacks”. The Centre was established in 1990, and currently has 87 residents and 54 workers.