Digitalization and Consumer Engagement Behaviors

Setsoafia-Tukpeyi Godwin Fafali Managing Director – Apex Health Insurance Ltd

With the ever-increasing customer interactions with other customers enabled by technology, traditional face to face interfacing and social media platforms, the role of the customer in the value creation process cannot remain unattended to.

Interest is growing among marketing researchers and insurance managers to understand the behavioral manifestations of customers’ engagement with an organization beyond the purchase process. Despite the growing interest, the availability and the abundance of several alternative service and product providers requires that much attention is paid to the ever-changing behaviors of customers. Investments are surging to elicit customer engagement behaviors (CEBs) from customers within the credence service space.

However, whilst making these investments, most firms demand engaged customers’ voluntary investment of scarce non-monetary resources (namely time and effort) without understanding the antecedents of CEBs with special reference to perceived service fairness (PSF), trust and digitalization.

Apex Health offers to its cherished members an array of In-patient and Out-patient medical benefits that includes specialist consultations, basic and advanced investigations, prescribed medications, surgeries, dental and optical services, maternity services, chronic management services, hospital accommodation etc.

Apex Health is the leading provider of health insurance and medical risk management services through experts with the richest health insurance backgrounds in deciding   the best route for navigating medical insurance services in meeting the best available international market practices.

With our Liberty Health Cover, we leverage onto international expertise that facilitates emergency medical evacuation to over 27 African countries, India and USA through our evacuation digital touch points.

At Apex health insurance ltd, we use the knowledge of Customer engagement behaviors (CEBs) which are the increasing customer interactions that co-create value for the firm, customers and other stakeholders through our digital platforms.  Perceived service fairness is the fundamental basis on which people evaluate their relationship with other people or with institutions and Individuals generally will continue with mutually beneficial relationships when they are treated fairly and have trust in the other party or service they receive.

Apex Health Insurance operates an effective and efficient electronic claims processing infrastructure which enables the scheme to receive claims in real time with the patient also receiving notification of service cost on their mobile phones after service delivery. It also has in-built claims adjudication and fraud detection mechanisms that help significantly in the efficient management of claims hence, controls and predicts claims utilization. Health information and statistics of policy beneficiaries (Insured lives) are also generated for management decision making purpose. Our Apex Health mobile app which is available on IOS and Android platforms creates transparency by making user information and medical benefit updates available to our customers. This demonstrates our commitment to service fairness and customer trust.

Digital Transformation has become a global and on-going deliberate action. Apex health Insurance subscribers have social media sites, chatbots websites, virtual clinics, and mobile apps performing functions such as, telemedicine platforms, pharma apps and online chatrooms.

With digital touchpoints, we have softened the impact of high healthcare access and patronage by providing digital services off working hours and work location to be able to ensure continuous access to services. The Scheme has invested heavily in wide area network, local area networks, Health information management software (HIMS), Back up storage and data recovery software, security firewalls among others.

As at date, we have been able to use our health information management system to analyze data to predict the following healthcare implications around covid-19:

 Short term

  • Claims decrease as many people stay home and defer routine and elective medical attention
  • Consequential illness and accidents also reduce because of less road travel

Medium term

  • Claims increase as elective medical attention is sought again, and healthcare providers’ capacity increases
  • Certain illnesses or injuries may be at a more severe level because of deferred treatment
  • More travel and social interaction leads to a rise in claims relating to non-natural causes

Long term

  • Those who have recurrently contracted and survived COVID-19 may need increased medical attention due to organ damage or other longer term side-effects of the virus (in addition to normal claims)

Apex Health Insurance Ltd will continue to work together to make Ghana healthier and continue to be your preferred health insurer.