InvestEye holds 2- Day Strategic Planning retreat

“An Eye for Dynamic Wealth Management”

The Board Members and Management of InvestEye Capital Partners has held a 2-Day Strategy Session.

The Board Chair, Mr Michael Nii Boye Adjei, in welcoming participants explained that, the need for the Strategy Planning Session had become very necessary following the barrage of challenges that had befallen the Capital Markets and Securities Industry, where InvestEye has operated in the last few years.

He indicated some of the challenging events as including: the financial sector clean up, the revocation of licenses in the Securities sector, the COVID-19 pandemic and more recently, the financial challenges brought about by the Russian-Ukrainian war.

These events, according to the Board Chair, made it imperative that, as a business, “we needed to meet and strategically dissect the issues to enable us define our strategic direction for the next two to five years, given our vision of becoming a significant market player in the Securities and Fund Management Space”.

The lead Facilitator for the Strategy Session was Dr Vera Fiador a Senior Lecturer with the University of Ghana Business School, who is also a member of the InvestEye Board. She took participants at the session though a rigorous process of developing the framework for a 3-year strategic plan which will serve as a road map and aid InvestEye in achieving its vision.

The CEO and Majority Shareholder of InvestEye, Nana Osae Addo-Dankwa, was delighted that the Company was able to have a successful Strategic planning session.  He was optimistic that if the plan and the KPIs outlined were executed to the letter, it will catapult InvestEye to the top tier as a Fund Manager of choice.

He further indicated that the company had resolved all its regulatory issues and was waiting on the regulator to certify them as such. He also hinted that InvestEye will not rule out the possibility of expanding via a merger or acquisition if the right opportunity came their way. The strategy session, in his view, also provided an opportunity for management to further engage with the Board in charting a path for the future.