Poetry Corner with Kwesi Bissue: The Black Limo


After birth comes life

Life you live

through the school of life

The coroner’s report affirms the doctor’s records

The easy life he lusts

The fast life he styles

At twenty and sampling their virginity

At twenty but desiring the plenty

At twenty but living as fifty

His kidneys attend every function

His kidneys end their function

only at thirty

He undergoes dialysis

only at thirty

His cells begin to cry

His cells refuse to carry on

only at thirty

He takes his cancer to the Chemo facility

For a therapy

only at thirty

At forty his life squeezes to a decrease

He succumbs to seventy-seven stubborn diseases

At forty he becomes, ‘The Deceased’

And now he is in that long black limousine

Now there is enough time for mourning

School of life continues through life


The newspapers told of how he lost his life

The wild party with pals all night

The drunk-driving on his way home

The curve he failed to see

The race to drive past the speeding jeep

in the speeding spree

The crush of the crashing metals

The crushing of bones and skull

The spill and the spurting of blood

And now he is in the long black limousine

Now there is enough time for mourning

Lessons learned in life

through the school of life


The grapevine had the story told

of how they stole his life

of how they stalled his progress

of how his life wasted away

of how he wrestled with life each day

The agonizing depravity

at the hands of selfish cartels

The humiliating poverty

inflicted by greedy bellies

The distressing moments

enforced by a constricting lack

The depressing life

imposed by oppressing hands

The torment

The torture

The hell

He turns his back on this hell

He turns the gun on his head

And now he is in that long black limousine

Now there is enough time for mourning

The school of life

Teaches all humans

a human way to go


His contemporaries told of his exemplary style

As ripe as ninety

and still going

As old as ninety

but still faring

As old and bent

but still kicking

The wisdom in the grey lines

So caring, so God-fearing

The clean heart in the kind eyes

So reachable, so responsive

The patience in his legs

So content, never learned to rush

He became the late Grandpa

as late as ninety-nine

And now he is in that long black limousine

Now there is enough time for mourning

The ABCD of life

After Birth Comes Death


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