Chris Koney’s column: A positive mindset is critical to achieving your goals


Achieving great success in life depends a lot on the mindset. How we think directly affects the outcomes we produce, and not the other way around. Our thoughts determine our decisions and actions.

Our behaviour, habits, and even mood are a reflection of our thinking patterns. This means that each one of us is fully responsible for the life we live. Whether it’s successful or not, we are in charge. It’s in our power to become unstoppable if we want to. That’s why the mindset for success has been such a popular topic among leaders.

Let me ask you first: What does being successful mean to you?

I’m sure that, at least, a part of it would include financial success, as well as personal and professional achievements. Whatever that might mean to you, only you will know when you’ve reached the success level you were aiming for.

I’m sure you would agree that success has many layers, and a degree or preferred income level alone is not enough. Real success and prosperity include feeling content with who you are and how you’re making decisions. And that means that it begins with mindset mastery.

Why mindset is the key to success

Mindset is what differs between those who succeed and those who do not. If you’re serious about achieving success in any area of your life, you must learn to master yours. When you change your thinking, you change your actions. When action changes, results change. In short: what you think, you become. Once you start to change your mindset, you will immediately start to change your behaviour.

It might sound easy in theory, but don’t get fooled by the simplicity. It’s not a one-night success type of thing. However, there are ways and tools that can and will help you achieve success with the right mindset. The good news is that you already have all the resources you need—yourself.

“Change your mindset, change your life” sounds fairly easy, yet many of us put limits on ourselves. We say that it’s too late to learn a new skill, or that we don’t have enough time or money to start a new career path. These limiting beliefs create our reality. We believe we can’t, so we don’t. If we, instead, lived in terms of ‘I can’ and ‘I will’, imagine what we could achieve!

Here are simple truths:

  • You don’t need more time. We all have the same amount of hours in a day.
  • You don’t need more money to be wealthy. Start from where you’re at, like most people.
  • You don’t need to have great talent and skills. It can be developed if there is a will.

What you need is a willingness to shift your mindset into success mode, and the rest will follow. Our thoughts have incredible power over our everyday lives, which is the key reason to develop a success mindset.

How does mindset affect success?

A success mindset triggers strategic thinking, builds self-confidence, and empowers you to act accordingly when things don’t go as planned. It’s what enables us to live life to the fullest and not have regrets.

Mindset can change a lot, and here are just a few benefits that it can help you achieve:

  • Take action despite fears and doubts.
  • Look at problems as challenges that will get solved.
  • Stay grounded and calm in stressful situations.
  • Be resilient to stress and pressure.
  • Become proactive and decisive.

Adopting a success mindset has many benefits that include developing healthy self-esteem, positive thoughts, healthy meaning to any event, harnessing drive, facing adversity with confidence, and more. Mindset is the mental attitude with which we approach something. It’s a collection of thoughts, assumptions and beliefs. The mindset for success is what motivates us, keeps us focused and empowers us.

How do you develop a success mindset?

Before we dive into the actual mindsets to develop, here are some tips that will help you to achieve the mindset for success:

  • Get to know yourself—your interests, skills, personality and other related things.
  • Decide based on your purpose rather than mood or situation.
  • Take control over yourself. You’re not a victim of life; you are the creator.
  • Look at every failure as growth and opportunity.

When you start to notice negative thoughts or patterns creep in, remember that you are in charge of them. Don’t let the limiting beliefs keep you unproductive and unsuccessful.

A positive mindset is critical to achieving your goals and dreams in life, according to mindset expert Angie Zimmerman. This kind of mindset can be cultivated, but only if you are willing to open yourself up to new ways of thinking.

 The mindsets for success

To ensure you’re always in the right frame of mind to be successful, learn these eight mindsets for success, and notice the changes they bring to your life. Remember that you are in charge and have everything you need to adopt these mindsets for success if you want to live an extraordinary life.

Self-acceptance mindset

Everything starts from within you. The better you get to know yourself, the better you’ll be able to adapt and grow beyond your wildest imagination.

Developing self-awareness

We are who we are with all the oddness, uniqueness, perks and struggles. Successful people will always be aware of the tougher times, as well as their reactions and behaviours to them. If your life has no failures or no difficult times, then there is no growth or learning. Just know that suffering is optional. Successful people might struggle to achieve their goals, but they won’t suffer because they know the difference between struggling and suffering. This difference separates success from failure.

Trusting your intuition

It’s important to know when is the right time for you to take action and trust your gut to help you choose so it’s fully aligned with your purpose. Your inner voice can be your best ally. Trusting yourself will help to move forward no matter the struggles.

Positive self-talk can motivate you in the face of a challenge and keep you focused. Here’s how to make it work for you:

  • Be realistic in your talk.
  • Find the ‘why’ behind your talk.
  • Talk to yourself in the second person. It increases your willingness to perform and your actual performance.
  • Talk out loud. It makes you more likely to retain information and learn.

Believing in yourself, your abilities, skills, and drive.

Patience goes hand in hand with self-belief as any success requires time. Impatience makes you lose concentration and gain self-doubt. Understand your strength and trust that they will provide when needed.

Embracing your passion

The passion will allow you to engage in fun; so the path of success will be simple and easier. Take the time to understand your passion. It will help you at the time of difficulty. Being passionate about what you do gives you that inner drive so you’re willing to produce better results.

Practicing self-compassion

It’s all about acknowledging mistakes and then forgiving yourself for them. Practising self-compassion will help you to let go and move on from mistakes. A great place to start is by saying ‘no’ more often. It’s an enforcement mechanism to uphold your boundaries, and boundaries are for meeting your needs and upholding your priorities.