Linda Wayoe wins top award in Executive Chartered Banker MBA Programme

Chartered Banker status is the gold standard for senior professionals working in banking and other financial services.

British-Ghanaian Linda Wayoe has been awarded Best Overall Student for 2022 in the world’s only but highly competitive Chartered Banker MBA (CBMBA) Programme at Bangor University, Wales.

Linda – a senior Banking & Finance Executive, seasoned Business Transformation Executive and Executive Council Member for the UK-Ghana Chamber of Commerce – graduated with Distinction on the world-class programme, which has earned her the dual qualification. She also clinched the highly coveted International Award of Best Overall Student for 2022. Linda is an alumni of Oxford University, Saïd Business School and the University of Ghana Business School.

Chartered Banker status is the gold standard for senior professionals working in banking and other financial services. Holders of the title are regarded as highly qualified professionals who possess comprehensive knowledge of the modern banking sector and its ethical and professional requirements.

This ground-breaking, high level, intensive dual qualification is currently the only one in the world (only offered by Bangor University) that combines an MBA with Chartered Banker status and sees accomplished leaders in the banking industry signing up from all over the world annually.

In a statement, Linda said: “I am extremely thankful for receiving such a prestigious award. Thank you to Bangor University and the Chartered Banker Institute (CBI) for recognising my efforts and for this immense honour. In today’s fast-paced, volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, apart from the need to be resilient, agile and having the right foresight, it is important as a leader in one’s field to possess strategic knowledge in order to thrive. The pragmatic nature of this cutting-edge programme provided just that.

“I’m proud of undertaking this programme, and I can truly say it has been a worthwhile investment that has also validated my several years of experience in banking. I did not only retool myself and enhance knowledge which is directly relevant to my role and beyond, but also got to network with fellow seasoned industry leaders from various countries.”

She went on to state her commitment to supporting the CBI’s 2025 Foundation, aimed at opening up the opportunity to pursue a career in banking to those who would not otherwise have this opportunity, or who would not otherwise consider such a career.

Statistics recently published by Bloomberg state that women make up just 15 percent of top paid staff in city of London banks. Linda is passionate about helping to change this narrative by encouraging more young women to take up this prodigious course offered by the CBI Foundation.