Public speaking & professional presentation – basic elements for preparing your message

public speaking and presentation
Samuel Agyeman-Prempeh, a Communications Strategist

“You are a storehouse of amazing stories, untold speeches and applaud-winning presentations” – Samuel Agyeman-Prempeh

A number of people struggle to prepare their messages for their talks. In this material, my focus is to guide you into preparing your talks. I would like to remind you of something intriguing about yourself: You are a storehouse of amazing stories, untold speeches and applaud-winning presentations. Your dilemma is often a result of the host of topics that you have to share. But should this be a challenge?

I have shared in my earlier write-up on ‘Public Speaking & Professional Presentation’ – available on other platforms as ‘Public Speaking Fundamentals’ – how unique you are and the fact that you carry an amazing story. I want to say this in another way. Be you. Do well not to be caught up in trying to speak or act like some other speaker who has probably spent years perfecting himself – rather, improve upon their own presentation.

It is a safety precaution to be told not to write out your speeches. One of the reasons is that if you write them out, you are likely to use written language instead of spoken language. Well, if you are a pretty good writer, perhaps you can write out your speech in spoken language. Yet there is another reason which seems almost perfect. It suggests that you make notes on major points you intend to communicate.

The idea is that you do not have to be trapped in a written speech, so you don’t find yourself wanting if you miss a word or sentence; or if you lose the written material. Rather, take ownership of the message you will be communicating and make brief points on it. In this way you have great chances of exhibiting natural displays when speaking. As best as possible, your speech doesn’t have to sound written whether if you write it out or not.

The power of a great speech is often the functioning of a number of things including the ’embellishments’; the examples, illustrations, anecdotes and quotes. A well-delivered speech embellished with the appropriate examples is a good meal. It makes a balanced speech, especially when it respects the law of the KISS. Find examples or stories that are relevant to the message you want to convey. Stories often have lasting impacts on listeners. Most good talks or books are either stories being explained or stories explaining a message.

  1. Be intentional

Be deliberate about your presentation. Be conscious for improvement. You will have to be measured in selecting your examples. Even at intervals when you want to introduce exciting thoughts, you need to plan for that. You can decide to make brief notes to guide you on the interesting points you want to mention.

  1. Preparation is key and fundamental

The amount of time and effort you put into carefully rehearsing your message will be invaluable. Let me remind you, you do not have to rehearse your message verbatim.

  1. Rather, take ownership of your message

Understand the subject matter. You will most likely have heard the advice that standing in front of your mirror can be very rewarding. Well, indeed it can be. It is very rewarding. You may look weird doing that, but would it not be better looking awkward in front of your mirror than looking so before your audience?

  1. Be yourself

Do not try to act or speak like others, you are unique in your own style. Find relevant examples to embellish your message. Take ownership of the message. And, of course, be deliberate about the goal you want to achieve with your message. Rehearse!

>>>the writer is a corporate trainer, professional ghostwriter and publishing consultant assisting busy executives to write and publish their books, articles, and speeches. He has served as Head of Protocol at a diplomatic mission, Corporate Affairs Officer at a French multinational agribusiness and as Events and Media Correspondent for a digital ad agency. You can contact the author via: [email protected]