Wheel of life Series with  Lady Sam: Make an impact

Wheel of life Series with  Lady Sam: Make an impact

Making an impact basically means having an influence (namely positive) on someone or something. Now I know that in this age of social media, there are some people who believe that having high numbers or followership on these social media platforms is the key route to having an impact or being of influence.

Of course there are many great and influential people on social media, but that is by no means the only way in which to make impact. Making impact doesn’t have to be something that is done in a grand way. Regardless of our status in life or the role that we find ourselves in, we can all find a way to leave a positive mark on those around us.

Find below three quick things we can do immediately to make impact.

Show Empathy: One of the biggest topics or buzz words now, especially when it comes to human relations, is the word empathy. But I want to go a step further and add emotional intelligence to that. Empathy means putting yourself in another person’s shoes, showing them that you can relate to them. This makes people feel listened to, and their feelings respected; this then leads me on to emotional intelligence. According to https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/emotional-intelligence-eq.htm  emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathise with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. It is also about how you relate to others and not negate their thoughts and feelings. This is an impactful way to make those around you feel that their expressions are valued.

Be a mentor: I have mentioned on numerous occasions that getting a mentor is a great way to get one to achieve their goals; however, being someone’s mentor is also a great way to make an impact. Being a mentor means that you are passing on the knowledge of something that you know you are great at to others. Therefore, this is an opportunity for you to perfect your skills and/or talents as you refresh your craft with those who are less experienced than you. Making yourself available as a resource is a good way for you to impact the next generation.

Be neighbourly: Try reaching out to your elderly neighbor – who may need help in purchasing food items, or reaching out to your cousin – who may need help in babysitting his or her 3 children. The world needs more of such gestures as there are many people struggling, or who are in need of support or even just a simple break, but maybe haven’t identified anyone to ask.

The above-mentioned simple acts will not only make an impact on the lives of others, but it will also give you a sense of fulfilment.