Scofray Yeboah certifies as first Professional mBIT coach

Scofray Yeboah certifies as first Professional  mBIT coach

Transformational Coach, Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah, has successfully completed a certifying training in mBIT Coaching from NeuroCoach Institute in South Africa.

This is a feather in the cap for the coaching industry in Ghana and the West African community to augment and foster integrative solid partnerships with other supporting professional practices and practitioners.

The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.

It is a vital support service for personal development, corporate culture modelling, teamwork and performance, effective leadership, and productive management.

There are various niches of coaching such as business, health & wellness, financial, career, executive, leadership, teams, spiritual, etc. – all for the effective growth of the human capital development ecosystem.

Research across many disciplines have made sterling revelations on how coaching has impacted great minds the world knows, such as Opera Winfrey – a legend of television, David Pottruck of Charles Schwab & Co., Steve Jobs of Apple, the late Nelson Mandela – the former president of South Africa, Meg Whitman of eBay,  Serena Williams – a living tennis legend, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Henry McKinnell of Pfizer, etc. This niche in the human capital development ecosystem has been cardinal to produce excellent results in developed nations worldwide.

In an up-close with Coach Scofray, we asked him what was his motivation and inspiration to veer into such a unique or nearly unknown specialty of coaching in Ghana and the continent as a whole.

He had this to say, ” by the grace of God; this month marks exactly a year a since I graduated from Ideal Coaching Global, USA programme ‘Coaching For Excellence’ as Africa’s first Ontological Coach anchored in ontology, mindfulness and ecology. It is not by accident that I have successfully completed training and certification in Professional mBIT Coaching a year on.

If you acknowledge, accept and embody your life’s ‘why’, modelled purpose and permit to live your higher calling, your inner you lead you into spaces or wisdom that waters your ‘why’ on this earth through capacity development and life experiences nature brings your way.

Few months after graduating from Ideal Coaching Global and successfully passing my Associate Certified Coach (ACC) – coaching knowledge assessment, though now I am at the level of Professional Certified Coach – PCC, I chanced on a webinar by ICF if my memories serve me right. This was possible because I am always gleaning and researching new frontiers of coaching, corporate training, leadership development, purely human capital cutting-edge insights.

On the said webinar, Wilbert Molenaar, one of the world’s best mBIT master trainers and practitioners, took us through highlights of this powerful science-based coaching.

The ontology coach in me pricked my spirit, and I fell in love with mBIT, which is scientific meaning to the philosophy of my ontological coaching niche. It was from there that I accelerated the hunger and love for neuroplasticity. It evokes the fascinating scientific evidence of coaching, especially, ontological coaching.

So we asked him, “what is the meaning of mBIT?” He said: “mBIT in its simplest term is multiple brain integration techniques, which is used for mbraining – the process of integrating our discovered three or more human brains to function in our highest form of expression.

“An mBIT coach does five fundamental things, Multiple Brain Coaching, Integration coaching, Highest Expression Coaching, Coaching for Generative/Emergent wisdom & consciousness, and Coaching to liberate the human spirit for creating a wiser world.

“What thrills me is how mBIT, through science, brings several thousands of years of ancient traditional wisdom into meaning and understanding rooted in areas of specialised science and philosophical faculties such as ontology, epistemology, teleology, phenomenology, etc.,” he added.

We again asked him: “What does this mean to you, and what should your clients, Ghana, and West Africa’s coaching industry expect from you?”

“I have three practicing human capital development niches – coaching, corporate training and consulting. All these services emanate from years of experience and capacity-building from world-class organisations and institutions. My clients, Ghana and West African corporate industry, have got one of the finest to support partner growth, innovation stimulation, and development anchored in excellence. We are more than we think we are, and my quest is to support my clients, whether corporate or individuals, to live life to the fullest of their being.

We got the rare opportunity in an interview with Kim Everitt, the CEO and founder of NeuroCoach Institute – South Africa, and he had this to say:

“I seldomly use ‘powerful’ in my moment of description, but I use it with so much conviction when I talk about mBIT International Professional certified.

This coaching niche certifies and empowers the practitioner with the know-how to facilitate a client to what we call ‘wisdoming’ or wisdom. It again comes in the form of continuous coaching education for those with ICF or other backgrounds or with no coaching background. mBraining allows you to navigate personal, business and corporate life very differently based on neurological science coaching”.

Jan Niemand, the training facilitator, said, “this methodology and modality support the certified coaches to produce results effortlessly. In addition, this aligns the multiple neurological intelligences to aid clients and corporate bodies flourish in wisdom”.

In a case study on the ROI of Executive Coaching by Merrill C. Anderson, Ph.D., MetriPhDal, LLC, it was reported that 77% of respondents selected from Fortune 500 companies indicated that coaching has impacted nine aspects of the business measures.

The case study uncovered that employee job-satisfaction and overall productivity were significantly impacted.

The study concluded on 788% ROI and 529% retention of employees.