Royal Basin Resort marks 25 years of excellence in hospitality services


After two and a half decades of delivering excellent hospitality products and services to both local and international tourists, the Royal Basin Resort – a three-star hotel located opposite St. Louis Secondary School off the Accra-Kumasi highway – marks its 25th anniversary.

Over the 25-year period, the facility which was officially opened to the public by Nana Mamponghene Prof. Gyima Kesse, on 7th March 1997, has transformed from a 12-room unit to 22 rooms.

The strategically-located serene resort offers a variety of services, including executive class guest accommodation.

To ensure a memorable Silver Jubilee, the Royal Basin Resort has scheduled a series of events throughout the year, and key among these activities are: a general clean-up campaign by all staff in the locality of the facility; donations to some selected children’s homes; sponsoring an award for best hospitality graduating student in KNUST; and a staff/guests appreciation dinner.

The curtain will be drawn on celebrations with a thanksgiving service on 6th March, 2022 at the Royal Basin Hotel premises.

Managing Director of the resort, Essie Agyapong-Poku, indicated that guests who patronise the facility can expect to enjoy beautifully upgraded rooms and a more welcoming ambience.

“So much has changed since 1997, but one thing has remained the same: The Royal Basin Resort has kept client satisfaction at the core of its services. We are proud of the journey we have made in becoming an all-inclusive, internationally recognised three-star hotel,” stated the MD.

Furthermore, the managing director indicated that the important role played by the hospitality industry in the country’s economic development cannot be overemphasized; and as an organisation that has been a dominant player in this field, it will continue to develop new products and improve on its services to portray a good image of the industry as a whole.

To celebrate hard work and reward loyalty, management have indicated that some dedicated staff members who have been with the hotel since day-one will be rewarded with outstanding prizes – to be a testament of the opportunities provided by a workplace that enhances dedicated service.


Community Engagement 

The Royal Basin Resort has played a pivotal role in the local community right from the start, investing in it via a variety of ways. Most important are the massive donations to health facilities including KCCR and KNUST Tech Hospital during the peak of COVID in 2020, Kumasi Children’s Home, and improving access roads in community.

Others include an annual Royal Basin Resort children’s party hosted by renowned TV personality Kafui Dey and supported by Nestle Ghana and Coca-Cola.



Over the past 25 years, The Royal Basin Resort has won several prestigious awards highlighting its impact and contribution to the hospitality industry. Notable among these awards are: CIMG Hospitality Company of the Year; four times winner of the Best Three Star Hotel of the Year, Ashanti Regional Tourism Awards; and Best Housekeeping of the Year award.



Over the years, the hotel has hosted very important personalities including former Nigerian President Gen. Abubakar; former President Gadaffi’s security entourage; AFCON 2008 officials; and various renowned religious leaders and ministers of state.


About The Royal Basin Resort 

The Royal Basin Resort’s vision is to justify its continued pride as a leader in the use of sustainable design in the built environment while providing opportunities for business and leisure away from the city centre’s noise and pollution.

The mission of The Royal Basin Resort Limited is to become the preferred location for hospitality and vacation services in an environmentally eco-friendly green location outside the city centre.