Insights with Dzigbordi K. Dosoo : Overcoming fear

Positive conflicts in the workplace

There are many skills we can learn to improve our lives and productivity in the workplace. One of them is getting through and overcoming fear – the skill anyone who is willing can learn. No one was born with fear. It is something we pick up as we grow and the fear we have at each stage of our lives is different. Some people are able to overcome their fears by letting go of them while some people hold on to it till it is established in their minds that, it is part of who they are. This can be seen in the workplace where some workers set goals and are able to follow through and others set goals and although they are competent, are not able to face their fears, deal with them and work through to the end in fulfilling their goals.


We are in a new year and I know you have set new goals to achieve. Do you know that fear can prevent you from bringing about the productivity you seek through these goals in order to move the needle in your career? Fear is the number one limiting factor that prevents people from working toward what they really want. It can distract you and cause you to make excuses which are nonexistent. Despite the fact that most of us desire enthusiasm and change at work to keep us inspired and involved, there is a part of us that also fights back and fears change. What is your fear? Is it fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, fear of commitment or fear of getting stuck along the way?


Since it is critical for creating a growth-centric environment where trust, communication, and strength thrive, overcoming fear should start with those in the leadership roles in organisations, companies and businesses, so that it can flow down to the rest of the team. Without facing and overcoming our fears, we would not be able to grow as individuals and as contributing members of our society. Those who become successful are those who are able to find, embrace and challenge their fears. This sets them apart from the average people who pretend they are not afraid yet never take a step.


Around this time of the month is when most people start giving up on their new year’s resolutions, goals and targets. The good news is that, nothing is as it seems at first. If you have noticed that your resolutions are slipping away, do not feel disheartened or be afraid. It is a process. You must understand that it is going to take a lot of effort for you to achieve those resolutions. It will take rejection and redirection; it will take battles and resiliency; it will take hurt, pain and healing; and it will take a lot of discomfort. Because you have not experienced these resolutions before, it becomes a little hard to understand if what you are doing is working or not. Nevertheless, you do not have to quit on yourself and your team that is counting on your contribution to rake in the needed productivity this year. Achieving your resolutions, goals and targets will take time and patience. You are however going to need strength and courage to acknowledge your mistakes so far, and work toward becoming better.


In order to get the job done, win the contract, or do any form of engagement, you would have to be ready for your next conversation. Maybe the reason why you have started recoiling back into your shell is the fear of the right way to engage in your next conversation that will open the doors for you. Let me share a practical tool you can use, to write and master. It is what I call the 4Es of Outstanding Conversation:

  • Exposure – what is it that you have seen? This is not about travelling anywhere, but what is it that you have encountered that you can share with ease?
  • Experience – where have you been? Do you have a story that only you can share?
  • Engagement – who do you know that has made an impact on you that you can talk about?
  • Education – what do you have? What is your product? Are you the product? Is it a service you have or something tangible?


When you are prepared with this information, your interview, networking, presentation or conversation will be a lot more confident.

To further help you on your journey to overcoming fear, here are 4 points by Tony Robins on dealing with fear:


Oftentimes the process of overcoming fear becomes stymied by uninspiring or elusive goals we set for ourselves. To turn this around, ask yourself: What does the life you desire and deserve look like? Is it just a “someday, maybe” plan or do you actively work toward it? Is it something that is attainable and you are willing to commit to? The first step in overcoming fear is identifying whether or not you are creating a compelling goal. If you accomplish this, will you feel fulfilled? Conversely, if you do not accomplish this, will you be lost?

Dig deeper into your goal. What is your ideal outcome? Is it financial growth – more money in the bank? Maybe you want the financial independence to travel anytime, anywhere? Consider what your life will look like if you do not achieve this outcome and compare it to what your life will look like if you do. Once you feel that your goal is essential, the fear of not trying at all eclipses the fear of failure – that is when you will be inspired to act.



When you are afraid, you tend to stay in one place. What if you make a mistake? What if you fail? You start to believe you cannot progress at all, that you are incapable of it – the fear holds you back. One of the most powerful tips to overcome fear and anxiety is to adopt a growth mindset. It is not about achieving your goals and being perfect every step of the way. No one is ever perfect all the time, so stop striving for that. It is about getting comfortable with what you do not know and continuing anyway – this is the foundation of a growth mindset.

As Tony says, “No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who is not trying.” As you work to overcome fear, you will realize that there will be lots of trials and tribulations along the way. As soon as you have accepted that the path to success includes growth and change, you will be one step closer to attaining your goals.



No one likes pain. Most of us go to great lengths to avoid it. But pain is a profound teacher. If you accept that your life and your efforts to achieve your goals will be painful at times, painful experiences become opportunities for growth. When you let go of pain as a threat to your survival, it loses its power and becomes another tool for overcoming fear. Everyone experiences hardships in life. It does not matter whether your setbacks are personal or professional – what matters are the lessons you take from those experiences and how you apply them to your future. Instead of letting pain and fear dictate your decisions, actively choose to learn from those painful moments to be in control of your own life.



What is the number one fear people have when it comes to accomplishing their goals? That they will fail. But like pain, failure can teach us. In fact, failure is often a better teacher than success. If you accept from the onset that failure is an inevitable part of success, you will be less afraid of it. Failure can provide you with valuable learning experiences that will positively impact your future strategies.

Everyone fails. Successful business owners. World leaders. Prominent chefs. Artists and scientists and doctors. Our society shies away from talking about failure, and instead celebrates successes; this creates the false impression that to be truly successful you must never fail. But part of overcoming fear is recognizing that everyone on the planet – including those you know and admire – has encountered failure on their path to greatness. The quicker you realize your fear of failure is preventing you from making the decision to accomplish your dreams, the sooner you will be able to accept the possibility of failing and move on. How you respond to fear is what sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. –


Remember, you just won’t show up at the top; you have to work hard for your personal growth that will translate into more productivity in the workplace. For anyone looking to start with a bit more attention to understanding the image they would like to portray, gaining a clear picture of the image people currently have of them, and developing the skills to close the gap, my book – The Essentials of Image Leadership – is one you should grab.

Are ready to stand out and lead your Image?

Read my book: “The Essentials of Image Leadership”.

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This book gives you all the essential tips and

Tools needed to sail with success in your image.

It also touches on dining etiquette,

Ensuring that in every space you find yourself,

You make a personal impact and achieve influence.