Poetry Corner: The hypocrisy of honesty


Say as I say

Nay, nay, nay

Say nay to gay

Say to gay

To stop living gay

To start living straight


He shouted coarsely at an unnatural intercourse

He screamed

He fumed

His wrath pointed at an immoral course

He banged on the nearest table

He complained horribly terribly

His indignation was no imitation of another’s fury

He was morally angry

Angry because that man chose another man

Mad at those woman to woman


He shouted shame unto all the Homos

Shamed all the Lesbies

But held high the hands

That held the hands

Of another man’s wife in the dark

“For he shall be called a Heterosexual

He shall not be called a man so adulterous

Not even a man so promiscuous

For this reason

A man shall live with a wife

A man shall have many concubines

And he shall be so honoured

Now and evermore”


And the real man married a woman

With a touch as soft as a woman

He would never add a bone to his bone


He would welcome Eve as his wife

Then hang out with many wives

In King Solomon’s mines

The fleshes of soft fleshes

“No bones to my bones, please”



Sleaze, sleaze, sleaze!

He sneezed

Embezzlement, embezzlement, embezzlement!

He buzzed

Scandal, scandal, scandal!

He screamed

For he frowned at all the fraud formulated to a finish


He said he saw them stealing

And he was steaming hot with anger

He said all were pilfering

And he couldn’t hold his anger

He told them to stop filching

But he felt the only stranger


When he caught them in the act

He pointed accusing fingers

He rang loud alarm bells

He raised a voice to shout hoarse

For he would never be caught in that act


He would never sneak to steal from the coffers


He would only accept an offer to offer favour

…to those without merit

He would never formulate fraud with fraudsters


He would only facilitate for family and friends to find favour

…just so they benefit

He would never endeavour to embezzle from the purse


He would only endeavour to look the other way

As they fake facts and figures

…to reap unjust profit