CAGD cautions entities against neglect of GIFMIS platform

CAGD cautions entities against neglect of GIFMIS platform

The Controller and Accountant-General (CAG), Kwasi KwaningBosompem, has reminded state agencies of the CAGD’s decision to sanction institutions which have neglected use of the Ghana Integrated Financial Management System (GIFMIS) from 2022 onwards.

The GIFMIS – a project for the improvement of Public Financial Management that is managed by the CAGD of the Ministry of Finance in a decentralised manner – is an IT-based system for budget management and accounting being adopted as part of a wider Public Service Reform Strategy.

The platform, according to the CAGD, is currently not being widely used and utilised for its intended purpose – hence the call for wider usage.

Addressing management and staff of the CAGD at the 2021 Annual Thanksgiving Service and Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, the Ag. Controller and Accountant-General, Mr. Kwaning-Bosompem, said his outfit will from next year exert punitive actions on institutions which fail to use the platform.

Government, he said, has invested heavily in GIFMIS and is working assiduously to improve the system and deal with issues of connectivity. From 2022, no institution will have any excuse for non-usage of the GIFMIS, adding: “Failure to use GIFMIS for processing financial transactions will attract the requisite sanctions”.

He said the mission of the department was to protect the public purse in line with government’s efforts to reduce corruption and to ensure that the department continuously promotes development of efficient accounting systems in all government departments.

The department noted that a review for updating the chart of accounts has commenced, with the process being aligned with the chart of account to conform to International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) Accrual Basis Financial Reporting; and when completed will facilitate the production of financial statements on full accrual basis.

In the department’s quest to protect the public purse in line with government’s efforts to curb corruption, out of GH¢3.2million reported unearned salaries, GH¢3.1million representing 95 percent was recovered within the reporting period.

This, Mr. Kwaning-Bosompem believes, was enormous progress in protection of the public purse and ensuring corruption is brought to its minimal level.

Chairperson of the Public Service Commission, Dr. Janet Ampadu-Fofie, commended the CADG for playing an integral role in the public service. She charged management and staff of the CAGD to reinforce ethics of the service and sustain the level of professionalism in public service.

Head of Local Government Service, Dr. Nana Ato Arthur, also admonished staff of the department to continuously work with transparency and accountability to assist the CAGD be best on the continent among its peers.

Awards were presented to retirees and other long-serving staff of the department for their dedicated service. The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was used by the department to thank God for 2021 with songs and hymns.