DG of GPHA spurs PMAWCA on to higher feats 

DG of GPHA spurs PMAWCA on to higher feats 

The Director General of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, Michael Luguje, has called on the management of the various ports in West and Central Africa to strengthen bilateral relations with member ports towards injecting increased efficiency and sustainability in their operations.

Speaking during the closing ceremony of the 41st Council Meeting and 16th Roundtable Conference of Managing Directors of the Ports Management Association of West and Central Africa (PMAWCA), Michael Luguje, who is also the President of the Association urged member ports to work together towards implementing the key recommendations that emerged from the meeting.

He said, “I need to urge all member ports that recommendations relevant to your various ports are implemented. In the process of implementing them, if you need support in any form through technical assistance or bilateral advisory from other member ports, feel free to route that request through the secretariat.”

The GPHA Boss also assured of the support of his office and Ghana’s Port Authority to the secretariat.

Michael Luguje praised the PMAWCA for maintaining its place as the best ports association in Africa and spurred members on to do even better.

The President of the Association said, “essentially each and every one of us must be at the same level of standards and quality of service in order to provide the best quality of port services to our trade.”

He also solicited for support for the PMAWCA Professional Training Centre in Cotonou.