NHIA embarks on public education for NHIS, Ghanacard linkage

Ghanacard linkage: NHIA embarks on public education for NHIS
Staff of the NHIA walking through some selected streets of Kumasi as part of the public sensitisation on NHIS and Ghanacard linkage. Insert: The Ashanti Regional Director of NHIA, Mr. Kwame Tweneboa-Kodua

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) in the Ashanti Region has embarked on a public sensitisation programme about the need for subscribers to link their National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) cards to their Ghanacards.

The NHIA noted that as part of the digitisation agenda, subscribers will need to link their NHIS card to the Ghanacard so they can henceforth easily access healthcare at any of the facilities accredited by the Authority.

The Ashanti Regional Director of NHIA, Kwame Tweneboa-Kodua, who led staff on the exercise observed that their primary focus is on assisting the public to link their cards to the national card “so that together as one nation we can expand access to healthcare delivery.

“We see the Ghanacard as a national ID to be used by everybody, so NHIA has taken the initiative to educate its members to link their NHIS card to the Ghanacard; so that when one is sick the person can equally use their Ghanacard to access health services.”

He said: “It is a novelty that has brought a lot of people onboard. We are asking that everybody should take advantage of this now that we have also introduced the Ghanacard”.

The Ashanti Regional NHIA boss stressed that their core mandate is to make healthcare accessible to every resident in Ghana, which has been the status quo of the scheme over the years. He said NHIA offices and staff are on standby to offer assistance to subscribers, given the fact that not everybody may be up to speed with use of the digital platforms.

Because of this, he said, they have opened all their offices and have trained staff so that if one is unable to do the linkage and renew their membership via mobile phone, they have staff on hand to help their clients renew their membership via handsets or link their Ghanacard to their NHIS card.

He also explained that the NHIA is making provisions for new subscribers, adding that when such people are coming to the office, they are expected to come with their Ghanacards.

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