Wheel of Life Series with Lady Sam

Wheel of life Series with  Lady Sam: Make an impact

Winning at work

Winning at work basically means applying principles to work that ensures that you deliver on expectations. Find below some steps that you can take to help you be a better employee.

Remain positive

You may not be where you want to be but you are surely not where you could be. Be grateful, especially if you are in employment, it really is a tough one out there. Yes, things may be tough at work but you are tougher, remember the scripture, God does not give you more than you can bear.

Tough times don’t last but tough people do. Be positive, always remain hopeful, besides, it is better to be around people that are of good cheer rather than around people who are not. Remain positive particularly around your co-workers.

Get a mentor

I am sure this is not the first time you have heard this nor will it be the last, because quite frankly it is a good strategy to have. Being shown the ropes by someone that has already been there is a smart thing to do. Leveraging on someone else’s experience can really help you to overcome hurdles. Share your experience with someone who has more insight than you because you can never have all the answers, having other perspectives can positively impact your performance.


Have periodic interactions with your boss to check that you have aligned with his/her expectations. It is a good opportunity to solicit feedback from him or her and find out which areas you need to improve on. You can also use that time to feedback to your boss any challenges that you may have. If this is something that you have never done before, why not give it a try and schedule time with your boss, at the very least your proactivity would be appreciated.

Stick to your word

Your word is your bond. Always say what you mean and mean what you say. It is better to under promise and over deliver than the other way around. Always make sure that you deliver on your tasks.

If you know you will not be able to deliver on your tasks then you need to let the key stakeholders know ahead of time, it is good to manage the expectations of others. This is one way that you gain the trust of people (which we know is very important as mentioned last week)

Give your best

Never compromise on quality, give your best at work, how would you approach managing a task if it were your own business? You should apply the same effort to your work that you would your own business. This attitude will ensure that you will give your best, your efforts will definitely be recognized.


Always go the extra mile with a smile. When you smile the whole world smiles with you.

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