Macfrut Expo ends

Macfrut Expo ends

The just-ended 2021 Special Edition of the Macfrut Expo was a big success. As expected, thousands of people participated both in person and online as exhibitors, buyers, policymakers and industry experts.

The Italian Trade Agency in Ghana, dedicated to strengthening the economic and trade relationship between Italy and Ghana, purposed to get companies and individuals in Ghana to participate in what was expected to be a life-changing experience. True to our intentions, many companies and exhibitors from Ghana participated in the fair and have great things to say about the Macfrut 2021.

When asked about positive experiences at the fair, James Obeng of HPW Fresh expressed excitement with the fact that Macfrut Fair covered the entirety of the supply chain and not only small aspects of the sector, making it ideal for participation from all companies. He said: “Macfrut is for the whole supply chain.

A typical Farm to Fork fair – companies for tissue culture, land preparation equipment, haulage, and logistic companies, facility constructors, processing, and equipment, etc. all in one place. I was very impressed with the organisation and coordination from ITA – the team going above and beyond to make us comfortable and better prepared for the first face-to-face European trade fair in these uncertain times”.

The good and enviable bilateral relations between our two countries is a testament to our shared and individual dedication toward growth and national development.

Macfrut enables farmers, manufacturers, equipment makers and others within the agricultural space to share and exchange ideas, collaborate on business and build successful business partnerships.

Felix Mawuli Kamassah of Maphlix Trust Ghana Limited and Theresah Poku of Ohu Farms experienced this first-hand. Felix testifies that the forum provided his company the platform to expand their global market share and businesses in the value chain, while Theresah admits that the exposure her company got by meeting possible future business partners and clients has made a difference.

As we relish the successes of this recently ended expo, we extend our heart-felt gratitude to all, and encourage more companies and individuals to participate in subsequent exhibitions.

Eric Kwabena Adjei of 3E Farms and Fruits said of his experience: “Macfrut Exhibition 2021 was awesome because I was exposed to so many Italian states of Technologies, especially agriculture machinery. Italy is well vested with every industry technology, and the amazing aspect is that these technologies have been there and consistent for decades”. Because of this and much more, Eric and many other participants agree it was a great experience and that they’d come back over and over again.

The Italian government through the Italian Trade Agency is dedicated to supporting the private sector and boosting economic and trade cooperation. So, together with the Italian Export Credit Agency SACE, they have opened an office in Accra located within the premises of the Italian Embassy. These entities closely collaborate with Ghanaian institutions to promote business and investment opportunities, to assess common priorities and carry out joint activities These efforts contribute to generate wealth, stimulate and support growth.