It takes the streaming stylus
And the copious papyrus
Of one
To write the flowing lines
And it takes the readiness of all
Through their reading lenses
And their yearning faculties
To read between the lines
It takes one
To blaze a trail
It takes one
To set sail
For all to tread on the heels
Of that one
For all to prevail
It takes one
The vision of the pathfinder
To lead all
To their vision
To give all
A better vision of their mission
It takes one
The wise one
To move all
To rise up
And wise up
To move all
To befriend common sense
It takes one
The light of the bright one
For all
To shine so bright
For all
To think so right
It takes one
To create veritable abundance
For all
To share in the teeming abundance
For all
To enjoy plentiful sustenance
It takes only one
To trudge from zero to hero
It takes the total victory
Of only one hero
For all
To bask in the glory
Of the story from zero to hero
It takes one
The unflinching candour of one
The honest disposition of one
To shame all
To shame the dishonest posture of all
To prod the withered consciences of all
It takes one
The inspirational drive of one
To drive the motivation of all
To motivate the drive of all
It takes one
The foresight of the farsighted one
To unshackle the insight of all
To breed foresight
Into the sight
Of the shortsighted ones
It takes one
The selfless devotion of one
To kindle selflessness in all
To disperse selfishness in all
It takes one
One big heart
To contain the effusions
Of all
To avert a total conflagration
Of a nation
It takes one
The pain of one
To assuage the pain of all
To festoon the festering pain of all
To deaden to a numb
It takes one bad human nut
To make humanity all come to nought
To bring all human activity
To nothing
And yet it takes one
To drive all and sundry
All in the fatherland
To do something great
Something great for all