Colin Yurcisin offers classes to help you master the ins and outs of credit


As many entrepreneurs will tell you, securing capital for their businesses is only one in a long list of challenges that they face. However, the rewards of building your business outweigh the challenges which is why most people persist.

Colin Yurcisin is a credit expert and creator of Credit Class. He teaches high-level entrepreneurs how to get capital for their business at 0% interest. He has over 300 student entrepreneurs, some of whom have been in business for many years.

According to Colin, the best entrepreneurs are those who’ve been through both the good and excruciatingly tough parts of the entrepreneurial journey. In his personal experience, his failures have helped him, as he now teaches everything that he has been through.

Through his coaching programs, Colin reveals how to leverage credit and build income. Understanding credit is important for businesspeople, and Yurcisin is dedicated to helping people learn about credit.

In addition to this, a 4-week mastermind program helps prepare entrepreneurs by fine tuning their mindset around finances, the growth of their business, and what to do. As a credit expert, Yurcisin is able to spot areas that are bleeding a business; he can also teach you how to identify these holes.

Colin has built himself from the ground up. He has been drowning in debt at some point in his life and managed to navigate his way out of it. He says that his process has been trial and error, however, through his expertise, he can now help entrepreneurs avoid the trial-and-error method.

Going from $50k in debt in 2019 to investing multiple 6 figures, Colin is proof that you can turn any situation in your life around. His credit class steers his students towards getting approvals for $30-100k+ in credit at 0% interest, even when the economy is dragging.

Another aspect that he focuses on is credit sequencing . This walks entrepreneurs through the necessities for card approval. Having gone through many obstacles to start, build, and grow his business, Colin is passionate about helping others avoid high interest rates and mistakes that could cost them their business.

Even through every challenge he has faced, Yurcisin has persisted on his dreams, never slowing down. He has shown what it takes to become an entrepreneur, and more importantly, a credit expert.