Corporate Poet: Do not give me your password


Our working relationship may be excellent

And our communication may be pleasant

Our care for each other can be brilliant

And friendship can be very important

Despite all this, I can disappoint you

Do not give me your password!


We can make merry and eat together

We can be smiling and laughing together

We can sit and share drinks together

We can sing and dance together

Yet I can still betray you

Do not give me your password!


We can be children of one mother

Or even be identical twins of one father

We can be citizens from one country

And even come from the same hometown

Yet I can break your heart

Do not give me your password!


Today, I am the sugar in your tea

Tomorrow, I am the knife at your throat

Today I am a flower in your pocket

Tomorrow I can be a needle in your coat

I can change because I am human

Do not give me your password!


You can always see my beautiful face

But you cannot see my ugly mind

You can see my beautiful attire

But you cannot see my wicked heart

I can easily put you into trouble

Do not give me your password!


I also have my personal interest

Therefore, do not put me to test

This is not a matter of trust

It is about wisdom and responsibility

Let your password be your secret!