Tema Tank Farm calls on gov’t to rehabilitate industrial enclave roads

Managing Director of TTF, Bartholomew Darko

Tema Tank Farm Limited (TTF), the largest privately-owned petroleum storage facility in the country, has called on government to as a matter of urgency commence rehabilitating roads in the Tema industrial enclave.

According to TTF, the part of Tema industrial enclave stretching from Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) to Kpone – host some of the country’s most essential service providers, especially in the power and petroleum sector –  unfortunately has roads that are very poor, impacting negatively on security and service delivery.

Managing Director of TTF, Bartholomew Darko, indicated that even though the road from TOR to Kpone through the depots – where most taxes are generated for national development  -have been awarded to a contractor in mid-2020, absolutely nothing has been done on the road, hence the call on government to hasten processes to commence the rehabilitation work.

“We want to appeal that government should commence rehabilitation of the roads following the sod-cutting in 2020. The hen that lays the golden eggs should not be denied its basic feed. We want government to consider the significant contribution we in this enclave are making to national development, and ensure that even the most basic things which will enhance our efficiency, safety and security are not denied,” he said.

The enclave under discussion, among others, hosts essential service providers including power generation companies such as Cenpower Generation Company, Sunon-Asogli Power Plant, West Africa Gas Pipeline, and Aska Energy. It also hosts petroleum storage entities and depots including Fuel Trade, Blue Ocean Investment and Vana Energy. Aluworks Ghana and Olam Wire houses are among others located in that area.

The poor nature of the roads is said to have increased turnaround time in documentation acquisition processes between the depots, Customs and regulators, fuel tanker loading time, and departure to various destinations. It has also made it difficult for companies to work at night, as workers and fuel-truck drivers fear attacks on the road.

Touching on the company’s position as the reigning champion – winning the Best Depot in Ghana 2020, Mr. Darko indicated that TTF is the best and preferred petroleum depot in the country because of its ability to create value for clients in an end-to-end fashion, deploying the best technology.

“We continue to deploy technology and invest in critical infrastructure to continuously add value to the business of our clients to make the end-to-end process of our business and ensure we enjoy the sustainability of our clients and stakeholders, including low-hanging but sustainable tax revenue for the state,” he added.

Commenting on safety and environmental protection issues, he emphasised that having the best safety record in the industry and the fastest loading turnaround time with 18 loading arms on six islands, as well as other safety processes are indications that TTF operates in an environmentally-friendly manner to make business sustainability real and not mere rhetoric.

Mr. Darko made these remarks when the Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM) paid a courtesy visit to the facility as part of activities to commemorate World Supply Chain Day.