Agrostudies Internship Programme Experience


the story of Harriet Ampofo

My name is Harriet Ampofo , 27 years old and an agricultural student who graduated from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in 2016. In 2019 I had the opportunity to travel to Israel after I had enrolled in Practical Agricultural Course in Ghana-Agritop.

Israel has been one of my dream countries, known for its advanced technology in Agriculture and this was a big breakthrough for me in my career path.  I must say it was a life changing experience to be part of the Agrostudies Program in Israel.

The first time I arrived on the Holy Ground, I had a warm welcome from the Agrostudies coordinators as well as some representatives from the Ghanaian Embassy.

I had my internship payed training job in Teva Post Marina Farms, a Mashav in North Israel, Hosen.

Marina Farms is a commercial mushroom farm that produces tonnes of mushrooms to various parts of Israel. I learnt a lot of things from my internship with the Marina farms – time management, self-reliant and independent, confidence as well as a solution oriented.

Again, Agrostudies gave us the opportunity as part of the program to attend lectures ones every week in Tel-Hai College. Various models were taught by very experienced Israel agriculturists.


Models such as Sustainable Agriculture, Economics, Plant Protection, Fruit Trees Farming, Irrigation and Vegetable Production was every educative and increased my knowledge in those specific fields. Regular assignments and research work from school was very beneficial.

Some exciting moments was during educational trips and tours in Israel such as the Dead sea, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Wailing wall and Jesus Tomb. I also made wonderful friends from Israel, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Cambodia and the Philippines and shared a lot of cultural experiences.

Bread, Humus and Falafel were some daily delicacies I enjoyed in Israel. My experience in Israel has widen my knowledge in my field of Agriculture, given me a firm foundation to start my own Rabbit Farm. Adding to my successes from Israel, I won the best district rabbit Farmer in 2019 in the Ga North District in Ghana.