Poetry Corner: If it seems seamless at the seams…

Poetry Corner

…then it’s a Robe

A Robe that was robed by a robed role model

When he emerged from the highest of holes

And remained wholly whole

Till he returned to his home above

Nearly in a Robe


The Robe in its mould

Was not embroidered from a white rope

Not woven from a black rope

It was fashioned from a secret code


It seems the one in the Robe

Lived with the one of old

In the shrouded places of the clouds

For aeons beyond the Ozone

Lo and behold

He imploded

And became one among the earthling fold


The one in the Robe

Carried loads of hope

Loads of hope you can hold

The one in the Robe

Curries no heavy yoke

No heavy yoke for those spiritually broke


The one in the Robe

Nests in his chest lots of love

Lots of love for those mortal folks

Mortal folks abiding below his Abode


In his Robe

In his humble mode

He set out on the road

To the ones fatefully sold

To the ones on the broad road

To return these to the strait road


The road for the one in the Robe

Was fraught with eyes that groped for his stainless blood

Yet he probed; he strode in the hood

He was not cold; he was bold


The one in the Robe

Braced himself for many strokes

Braved out for all it forebode

And when an earlobe was cropped

He did not favour it to drop

He took the ear up to hold


The one in the Robe

Visited the tombs

Unfettered the entombed

Hushed the storm up shore

Fed the famished with bread he broke

Stopped blood that flowed

And a woman’s womanhood restored

For babes to come nonstop


To the one in the Robe


With the one in the Robe

No one is left alone

With the one in the Robe

All receive news of gold

News of a sheltering home

A home all can call their own


The one in the Robe

Was willing to surrender his soul

To recover all who iniquity had sold

To cleanse the stain even from the bone


The story of the one in the Robe

Is one that has been told and retold

From ancient times but still holds

His words we quote

His name the world has known


The one in the Robe

His death was no April joke

But in the tomb he did not choke

Sure he was not comatose

From the gripping fingers of death he arose

Life eternal he bestowed

Life immortal he was bestowed


The one in the Robe

His time he bode

Infinite love he showed

His line many towed

Before he sat on a throne


It seemed the seamless Robe

Attracted the attention of those murderous rogues

Who subjected it to a gambling episode

Which ended in a scramble for the seamless cloak