This is Leadership: The Ambivert Leader

This is Leadership: Leader reflections

If the L-F-S model in Leadership dialogue calls for leader adaptability, ambiverts are in a better place

An ambivert is an individual with a personality type- partly introvert, partly extrovert. In popular discussions, many argue that extroverts are often noticed in workplaces than introverts (who often watch than to participate). Though largely true but debatable, this conversation gets interesting when it enters into the realms of pros and cons of being an extrovert or an introvert within teams.

When you join a workgroup, people quickly look out for whether you are an extrovert or an introvert (most often, without asking you). 21st century workplace is currently looking for leaders who are extrovert and introvert (all put together in one piece). To be an ambivert leader, you need to understand each situation and always remember that no two situations are the same. You often hear people say that ‘my Line Manger is very unpredictable’.

As a matter of fact, your Line Manager may not be that unpredictable. The point is, he or she knows when to listen, when to talk and when not to talk in given situations. The application of an ambivert personality makes people admirably unpredictable. Personality types exist along a continuum and knowing very well that personality types consist of steady sets of predispositions through which we approach our spaces in particular and life in general, many of us are not 100% extrovert or 100% introvert.

Most of us may be swaggering somewhere in the middle.   Becoming an ambivert leader requires a great skill. Ambiversion is inherent and it can also be acquired. Researchers have done a lot work to confirm and disconfirm several issues around the power and weaknesses of extroverts and introverts in various shapes and forms for academic discussions.

Adam Grant in 2013 advanced a case to mean that he will be shortchanging academic discourse and may be hasty to generalize by concluding that great sales persons for example are extroverts and therefore individuals who intend to be great sales executives must become extroverts to succeed.

Since two-thirds of people don’t wholly identify themselves strongly as introverts or extroverts, many individuals lean towards ambiversion and may continue to swing depending on situations. If the Leader-Follower-Situation model in Leadership discussions calls for leader adaptability, ambiverts are in a better place.

Ambiversion is about balance. A bit of extrovert. A bit of introvert. Ambiverts dive deep in trusting people and in other situations they remain skeptical about people. Ambiverts feel jaded spending too much time alone and in other times they feel too tired, bored and drained with people around them.

In effect, ambiverts want their space but they also value the presence of people around them. Ambiverts execute tasks either alone or as part of a group. Being an ambivert is not an answer to succeed as a leader. It only provides an answer to develop a balanced personality in 21st century leadership. Extroverts have a way of schmoozing colleagues at the workplace to get things done. Introverts are calm and sources of inspiration at the workplace. Ambiverts have a better and a balanced way of leading a team to follow a vision. Become the new ambivert, if you can.

This is Leadership!