Why great achievers hire coaches

Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah

When the question “Who needs a coach?” was asked recently in a free coaching session, the best answer Bill could provide was, “No one.” After pausing a few moments to let that answer sink in, he continued, “And when you look to the people you admire most, chances are you’ll discover they have hired one or more coaches to ensure their outcomes.”

In truth, no one needs a coach. And yet, the high achievers all have one (or more). Who do you look up to? Most of us have role models we look up to and wish to emulate. We learn their business models, concepts, ideation, even their style of communication, appearance, and how to be the best at whatever domain we are focused on.

One of the crucial interventions great people have is not spoken about in public due to the nature of confidentiality exercised during “Coaching” sessions they subscribe and commit to. According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF), coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Martha Beck has been the life Coach of Oprah Winfrey for several years and writes for O’ magazine. She has been instrumental in Oprah’s exploration of her potentials, through thoughtful interventions deployed by her coach Martha to widen Oprah’s reach of possibilities.

Pat Riley is one of the most outstanding coaches in the history of the NBA. He mentioned and introduced Paul Tudor Jones, an American billionaire hedge fund manager, to Tony Robbins.  Riley told Jones that, “Tony would light a fire for you in a thoughtful and understanding way.” Simply put, having a great coach is like a light used to guide the path of individuals who are committed to living a life of purpose; to go beyond the status quo.

Tony Robbins has coached Serena Williams, Marc Benioff, Bill Clinton, Hugh Jackman, Pitbull, and several others. Their performance is evident for us to explore. As Tony Robbins says, “Success leaves clues.”

If you go to Silicon Valley, Bill Campbell was the individual that stocked the fire of Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt, Bill Gates, and many other Silicon Valley brains to augment their geniuses. If all these great minds had something in common aside from technology, it is having a Bill Campbell as their coach.

Bill Carmody

You may be wondering why all these successful people with great brilliance subscribe to different kinds of coaching such as career, relationship,  leadership, spiritual, or business (to name a few).

Life Coach, Karson McGinley, said that “One of the defining characteristics of coaching is that it creates a measuring tool for action and a means for reporting on self-learning.”

I will summarize by saying, a coach holds the space for the client to author the defining moments of possibilities that make them peak in performance and growth.

Coaches create and promote a space for accountability, which brings awareness of our blind spots to our productivity levels. They wake clients up to what is taking the space of priority above what is needful.

Coaches again through varied competencies, facilitates the process for “A-Game leaders and achievers” to explore the areas of their lives that they are committed to improving. When one commits to more extraordinary exploits, a coach is a powerful addition to ensure the desired outcome becomes a reality.

Coaches can evoke the best kind of “why” in the pursuit of a client’s dream, project, purpose, and innovations. Coaches support the client through thought-provoking sessions to have a tracking cycle to aid him/her in assessing the progress of objectives and goals set.

Coaches also hold the space for the possibilities of character or habit formation and refinement, forester commitment to projects and time management, evokes the attitude of prioritization and commitment to action. And, finally, coaches support clients to embody a sense of responsibility and accountability.

Whatever your pursuit or endeavor, when you choose to hire a coach, you decide to challenge the status quo and build a life of purpose. This can show up in any life domain you choose, such as your career, relationships, health, wealth, family, spirituality, and overall happiness.  Geniuses is like a blank knife; it takes other elements to sharpen it to showcase what it is made of. In the corner of most great achievers, are coaches; you will hardly know they are there. Which coach is in your corner to support you author the challenging of the status quo?

Yeboah is a Transformational Coach | Lead facilitator | Author | Certified Professional Trainer

 Zoweh Global Consult, Accra Ghana and Carmody is an Executive Coach | TEDx Speaker | Bestselling Author,New York, U.S.A