Recipe with Dainess Chef School: Seasonal Fresh Fruit Tart


Seasonal Fresh Fruit Tart is a dessert that combines short crust pastry as a base, a filling of pastry cream and assorted fruits as topping.

The toppings of fruit makes this choice of a dessert a healthy one. Seasonal Fresh Fruit Tart is fun to prepare because it allows you to explore with your favourite fruits to create a very colorful and tasty dessert.     

Short Crust Sugar Dough


  • Flour             -200g
  • Dainess Icing sugar             -130g
  • Eggs             -40g
  • Salt             -1g


  1. Mix butter, sugar, flour and salt with the flat beater. Add eggs and mix.
  2. Roll it out into sheets about 2-3mm thick, refrigerate for several hours.
  3. Grease baking rings with butter if needed. Place the dough in a ring with diameter 8-16cm.
  4. Bake it at a temperature of 160◦c for 10-15mins, then smear the dough with the egg wash and continue baking for 5-7mins to golden brown.

Egg Wash


  • Egg yolk -50g
  • Cream – 50g


  1. Mix the egg yolk and cream into a smooth mixture.
  2. Use it with the help of a pastry brush or a spray gun.

Pastry Cream


  • Fresh milk             -208g
  • Cream             -154g
  • Dainess Vanilla essence -2tsp
  • Egg yolk             -90g
  • Sugar             -90g
  • Dainess Corn flour -30g


  1. In a saucepan combine cream, milk, essence, and bring to a boil. Leave to simmer.
  2. Whisk together egg yolk with sugar and corn flour.
  3. Temper egg yolk mixture with hot milk, then pour everything back into the pot, bring the mixture to boil again, and cook for 2mins while stirring constantly.
  4. Remove pastry cream from the heat, pour into the baked tart ring.
  5. Cool it in the fridge for 20mins.

Available fruits

  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Yellow orange
  • Star fruit etc.


  1. With the help of a chopping board and a sharp knife, slice all fruits and arrange on the pastry cream tart.


  • Gold leaf
  • Roasted hazelnut