MUSIAD Expo Trade Fair in Turkey:  Discover the potential of business opportunities


MUSIAD is a vibrant and highly competitive civil society organization based in Turkey with the ultimate goal of bringing producers, manufacturers, suppliers together with entrepreneurs, business people and government officials for the purposes trade and business. MUSIAD has about 11,000 members both at home and abroad.

The membership is predominantly made up of the business community, entrepreneurs and about 50,000 enterprises. It employs about 1,600,000 people, has 89 key strategic contact points in Turkey and equally provides services in 95 different countries.

In 2018, the 17th MUSIAD EXPO Trade Fair attracted more than 15,000 businessmen from 125 countries, 2000 exhibitors from 25 countries including Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of the Republic of Turkey. It is refreshing to state that senior bureaucrats and academics equally attended.

It is worth noting that I personally participated in the fair as well as businessmen from Ghana. It is therefore, my highest expectation, that the upcoming 18th edition will be more than what we experienced in 2018.

Key Sectors

It is refreshing to note that this year’s expo will bring producers and manufacturers across the followings: construction, materials of paysage, materials of durable consumption, tourism, medical, food and nourishment, stock breeding, machine, metal, automatic, chemistry, energy, technology informatics, services and textile.

The essence of bringing producers from these sectors is to give businessmen and enterprises the opportunity to select products and projects based on their competitive advantage in their respective countries. There will also be an opportunity for bilateral meetings with Turkish companies.

Why MUSIAD Trade Fair?

The Republic of Turkey has positioned its economy on the philosophy of producing high quality products at competitive prices. It is against this back ground that I wish to encourage businessmen from Ghana to participate in the upcoming fair. It’s an opportunity to discover the potential of Turkey. The geographical location of the Republic of Turkey, coupled with available direct flight from Accra to Istanbul via Turkish Airlines makes it a competitive destination for businesses. The 18th MUSIAD EXPO Trade Fair will among others:

  • Connect businessmen and entrepreneurs directly to producers and suppliers.
  • Strategically connect enterprises for future partnership.
  • Enable exporters from Ghana to connect with buyers.
  • Give opportunity to enterprises and businessmen from Ghana to visit producers’ factory.
  • Attract projects to Ghana, capable of creating sustainable jobs to the citizens.
  • Will enhance trade between Ghana and Turkey.

COVID-19 Safety Protocol

The COVID-19 pandemic has distorted the business environment and therefore the normal way of doing things has shifted. On this score the Turkish government has instituted a number of COVID-19 safety protocols to ensure that businesses and entrepreneurs can still come together to transact business for mutual benefits.

The organizers of the upcoming fair are putting in place mechanisms to ensure strict adherence to the safety protocols. Businessmen and representatives of enterprises are therefore encouraged to comply with the safety protocols so as to ensure successful event. I am by this piece, encouraging Ghanaian businesses and entrepreneurs to fully participate in the fair so as to explore the full potential of Turkey for strategic and mutual benefits.

Indeed, the global economy is in turbulent times and therefore, respectfully, asking the management of Turkish Airlines to give competitive rates for businessmen from Ghana. Let’s all, collectively push up the agenda of enhancing trade between Ghana and Turkey. I am highly confident that this upcoming fair is literally pregnant with enormous opportunities. Let’s go to Turkey and tap the potentials and opportunities for mutual benefits.

Date for the upcoming fair

The 18th edition of the MUSIAD EXPO Trade Fair will commence on the 18th November, 2020 to 21st November, 2020 at the TUYAP Fair Center in the beautiful city of Istanbul.