This is Leadership: Pink Leadership


So a female leader managing four female employees should be managing between 30 to 60 emotions averaging 45 emotions on a daily basis

The month of October reminds the world of the global customer service week. In all of it, business owners, business managers and employees are all reminded to put the customer in the middle of the business.

The buzzword has always been, no customer no business. Beyond this, the WHO –World Health Organization- is leading the world, as it does in every October in the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign month to increase consciousness in early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of Breast cancer. It is believed there is not adequate knowledge on the causes of the disease therefore early detection is crucial to breast cancer control.

For me and the Eagle Knowledge Institute- EKI- we are dedicating this month to share with readers, what Women in Leadership connotes in 21st Century Leadership dynamics. In the coming weeks (scratching my head and rolling my eyes to the left and back to the right), I will be writing on Women in Leadership.

Yes, I mean Women in Leadership. I call it the Pink Leadership Series-PLS- for four weeks. We’ll look at what women bring to the table as far as 21st Century Leadership is concerned. To dive deep into the subject, we first have to appreciate the perspectives of women, the Leadership journey and the Leadership dimensions.

Three months ago I saw a short ad on Stanchart, where the Bank made a profound statement that by year end 2020 women in Senior Management roles will rise to 30%. Listening to Simon Cooper, Corporate, Commercial and Institutional Banking Chief Executive at Standard Chartered on ‘Bloomberg Markets: Asia’ (October 15, 2020), he opened up on diversity and inclusion as he skewed to Women in Leadership. Although many of us do hold on to certain standpoints when it comes to Women in Leadership, we cannot change the direction of the wind.

In the next write-ups EKI will demonstrate whether or not the Glass Ceiling truly exists. There have been many interpretations to the concept of the glass-cliff to confirm or disconfirm whether or not women are really a minority. In one of my knowledge sharing sessions- KSS- in 2018, an honest man asked a very honest question. Richard! Yes, I leered. Don’t you think women already have the power? To be honest to the honest man, I’m still searching for answers as I write.

To the point, women are powerful. To set the tone for subsequent write-ups in the Pink Leadership Series, it must be known that men exhibit between five to eight emotions on a daily basis and women parade six to twelve emotions on a daily basis (Ahenkorah 2018). So a female leader managing four female employees should be managing between 30 to 60 emotions averaging 45 emotions on a daily basis.

When you understand emotional intelligence, you’ll know that you don’t manage people at work. You manage emotions. Emotions are expressive tools at the workplace. If you use it well, you’ll surely enjoy your relationship with your Line Managers, direct reports and finally, your peers.

Ambitious corporate women, in particular, are currently embarking on deep reflection exercises to understand their being. They use emotions positively to influence teams and also avoid negative emotions so to shred negative energies (Hughes et al 2015). Research summarizes that there are no significant information, statistically, in the differences in leadership styles of men and women. In the not too distant future the world will come to terms with Pink Leadership.

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