Quick Blast Body Weight Circuit Training: Herbalife Nutrition shares insights


A change of season is a great time for establishing new habits and routines, so why not try this do-it-anywhere circuit? It’s the perfect exercise for busy schedules. You can do as much or as little as you like, making it easy to fit a quick session into your daily routine. Best of all, our Quick Blast Body Weight Circuits require zero special equipment. So, grab your water bottle and let’s get started!

Perform each exercise for 45-60 seconds and don’t rest in between each. Once a whole circuit is complete (all five exercises), rest for two minutes and repeat.

Backward lunge with oblique reach

Good for: core, legs, glutes, obliques

  • Stand feet together, arms overhead
  • Step your right foot back, into a deep lunge
  • Reach down with your left arm, feeling a right oblique stretch
  • Bring your arm back as you return to stand, then repeat on the other side

Rocking plank with front and side reach

Good for: whole body, balance

  • Start out in plank position, elbows on the floor, tummy pulled in
  • Shift your weight to your left arm while lifting your right arm level with your face and reaching forward—at the same time, activate your calf muscle by pushing from the balls of your feet
  • Return your right arm to the starting position and repeat, this time extending your right arm out to the side
  • Return and work the opposite side

Prisoner squat holds

Good for: lower body

  • Place feet a little wider than shoulder-width, align hips over knees and knees over ankles
  • Open your chest by gently resting your hands behind your head
  • Squat as deeply as you comfortably can, keeping your upper body upright
  • Maintain the position with core engaged and body weight in your heels for as long as you can (60 seconds is a great goal) before pushing back up from the heels

Spider push-up

Good for: whole body, chest, back and core

  • Come into a straight-arms plank
  • Lower your torso and as your elbows bend to the sides, bring left knee towards your left elbow
  • Straighten arms to full plank; return left foot
  • Repeat on right side

Herbalife Nutrition is a global nutrition company whose purpose is to make the world healthier and happier. The Company has been on a mission for nutrition – changing people’s lives with great nutrition products and programs – since 1980. Herbalife Nutrition’s targeted nutrition, weight-management, energy and fitness and personal care products are available exclusively to and through its independent members in more than 90 countries. Through its corporate social responsibility efforts, Herbalife Nutrition supports the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF) and its Casa Herbalife programmes to help bring good nutrition.


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