3M Sub-Sahara Africa, United Way Ghana support communities impacted by COVID-19


Science-based Technology Company 3M, together with not-for-profit organisation United Way (UW) Worldwide, has supported relief projects across Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) that are helping the most vulnerable people in society impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

Ghana is one of twelve countries across EMEA receiving a share of a 3M’s grant totalling US$1,875,000, which is being directed to projects supporting nutrition, education and COVID-19 awareness based on the most pressing local needs and country status of the pandemic.

United Way Ghana, the local UW organisation, is working with 3M sub-Sahara Africa to implement a US$198,700COVID-19 relief programme to support an educational reading programme – run in partnership with BASICS International, Achievers Ghana, Muslim Family Counselling Services, and Mother of All Nations Foundation.

Other projects to benefit from the grant include a community water and sanitation programme; a scheme to provide food supplies run in partnership with Food for All Africa and Northern Bazaar; PPEs and training whereby volunteers teach families how to make their own face masks.

“It’s important that 3M holds true to its core values during this pandemic by supporting our communities and improving lives,” said Robert Nichols, Managing Director of 3M Middle East Africa. “The projects with United Way form part of a US$20million commitment made by 3M at a corporate level to support COVID-19 relief projects globally, and we’re grateful that some of this funding is helping vulnerable communities in Ghana to receive support during these exceptional times.”

United Way Worldwide has been helping communities in need for more than 130 years, but the scale of the COVID-19 crisis and its far-reaching impacts on people’s health, social mobility, income and job security – factors that are essential to wellbeing – have posed new challenges.

“We’re pleased to see how 3M is stepping up by helping people in the Ghanaian communities who have been impacted by the pandemic,” said Janet Butler, Vice President, Africa Region. “Together, we can make a real difference to people’s quality of life as we navigate through the coronavirus pandemic.”