Employers should feed employees with the right information – Vodafone HR


Employers have been urged to feed employees with the right information especially during this COVID-19 period.

Director, Human Resource of Vodafone Ghana, Hannah Ashiokai Akrong, noted that businesses should put in place proper communications channel. “Organizations need to understand what the anxieties are for their employees as well as marry the objectives of the business.”

Speaking at Ghana’s Most Respected CEO’s breakfast series, organised by the Business and Financial Times (B&FT) in partnership with Vodafone Business, she stressed that every business needs a continuity plan. The webinar was held on the theme ‘Managing an anxious work force during and post COVID-19 for business continuity’.

“Every business has been impacted by COVID-19, but what are some of the things that can be done. How are we helping employees for them to operate safely? We need to ensure that the mental health of workers are sustained throughout this period,” she added.

Ms. Akrong pointed out that employees need to be responsible. “Open up with employees, they have amazing ideas that can contribute to the growth of your company. You need to rally your employees around your mission and vision and get your employees for one purpose; we have to take up the learnings and look at what we can do for our businesses to thrive,” she said.

Adapt new strategies to stay in business

Roland Teye, Head of Consulting Deloitte Ghana, speaking at the same event, urged organizations to adapt new strategies and processes to stay in business during this COVID-19 period. According to him, technological strategy is an important tool during this pandemic.  “Organizations need to also look at partnering considering the current situation.”

He pointed out that “this pandemic, has thought us that work must not necessarily be in a structure. Definitely, there is a new normal.” He noted that some organizations have made positive impact within this period because they are adapting to new strategies of working whilst some organizations are also considering allowing employees to work from home.

He encouraged employers to re-tool themselves and show resilient leadership during this period.