Customers are now ready for e-Business engagements amid COVI-19 constraints! (Pt.1)        


An essential determinant for any business success in today’s digital age is to have an e-business component: call up an e-Business consultant today to help set it up.

I don’t think there is any doubt in our minds as to whether electronic enablement is needed for our businesses today. Irrespective of your industry specifications, e-business must take centre-stage if your business is to succeed in the digital age. Your business will need that e-Business boost to automate fully or partially certain aspects which need to improve.

By seeking the essential help of an e-business consultant this year, you are sure of getting yourself that individual who can deploy digital technologies such as intranet, cellular network and the web to create needed values for your stakeholders.

This has the potential to enhance staff to staff working relationships, company to customer relationships, and company to supplier relationships.

Admittedly the electronic business industry is still at its juvenile stage, with industry players looking for ways to totally automate various aspects of businesses.

There are obviously various tech components of the business you do today. These need to communicate electronically to accomplish meaningful tasks or achieve any goal. It is therefore essential to have high on your agenda a well thought out e-Business strategy.

It is however good to note that your requirement and capacity may be different from a competitor in the same industry. So, whatever you want to achieve this year, do it with an e-Business strategist.

Are you seeking to enhance corporate communication efficiently among the various units within your business, or finding ways to best engage with existing and potential customers? Or is yours to have vivid analyses of your operations and to make sound decisions?

What about planning and managing your supply system efficiently, or securely handling your data transfer electronically? You will certainly need someone who can research and advise appropriately on the best solution to adopt.

The e-Business Strategist

This individual analyses your entire business operation and advises and helps implement electronic solutions that will fit your overall business goal.

He or she may come from any background, but must have these general essential skills: be an excellent communicator, and be very good at handling problems and providing solutions. He or she should have the ability to see your overall business picture and break it down into various components. The individual should have a proven experience of handling essential tech projects from start to finish.

Often times this important role of the e-Business strategist has been played by people who don’t have the full picture and tend to skew the strategy toward their comfort zones. For example, a marketing-biased person may skew it toward pushing for sales only; and the IT guy would want to stuff up the newest technologies without achieving a total e-Business strategic goal.

One with a full understanding of the electronic business environment will factor in IT, Marketing, Customer relationship, Branding, Operations etc. The e-Business strategist will be helpful in moulding a solution that will be useful for the governance of your entire business.

Although their work seems as simple as general management, it is unique in itself. They are to ensure, above all, that they communicate needed information for prompt if not real-time decision and action-taking. Also, helping you to reach many targetted audiences effectively at a more competitive cost.

Supply system efficiency

Here, it is essential to note that anticipating and keeping the right stock for supply, as well as delivering at the right time, is essential. The strategist will understand and coordinate the essential breakpoints within the supply chain by maintaining proper information dissemination at all times. To achieve this, he/she will deploy the right off-the-shelf software or help to develop the right platform.

Effective customer engagements.

Loyalty is going to be critical for success, partly because there is going to be much noise about who has the best technology etc.  This can only happen if every effort is made to achieve higher customer satisfaction at all levels. Your business might not necessarily be online, but some e-Business components can be very handy.

A simple after-sale message sent via email or SMS to customers after doing business with you can go a long way to enhance customer relationships.  Customer relationship management can be enhanced using the best technologies available. The strategist will be able to help your team plan and create the content and timing, and measure responses. This, of course, will factor-in essential components that make a customer feel satisfied even in cases when all doesn’t go well.  Presale guidance, timely help during transactions, quick responses to queries, real-time notifications or summary of details are all components that can be really planned and implemented.

To be continued……