Poetry corner: Those hands on deck


Things get tough
But the power goes out
Ever on the 19th Kwame Nkrumah Avenue

Can’t get by
And the pipes run dry
Now on the 57th Kwame Nkrumah Street

Life goes sterile in a black death
And the virus goes on a blind date
All on the 20th Global Village Overpass

The Brits exit the Euro via Boris
But Boris battles the virus
…into smithereens
In an altered protocol at St Thomas
On his 55th Downing Street

Holding on to the worst wild weird
And the trump plays his Trump card
In the navel of a downgraded White House

Always in the thick
The Put-in played a chess game
…and won
In the Petersburg Kremlin Morse Code

Too murky in a refugee cramp
But the Angel Chancellor opened the gates
…and raised the stakes
All in the Bundestag

Call a Gaza roll
And the ballots flew toward Bentanyahu
In a Knesset vintage coalition

In a firm hold far in the East
Grand star Xi Jinpin traces a Mao gene
In the Communist Conglomerate

For a test of their pulse
Pyongyang pushes his binoculars in his nuclear trials
In the Arrested People’s Socialist arena

In a generational Monsieur shift
The French cuisine prefers a Macron-i
…to an old French wine
In the Afro Republique du Franco

Reeling under daily bombings
The sad Syrians stay saddled with an Assad
All in the wailing and failing sea of Aleppo

For a bite of manpower
The men in Sana’a sacrifice children and women
And children and women were sacrificed in Yemen
…all to the glory of a decimated Yemen

In the midst of an Mnangwagwa
Mugabe Bob bids a bye
…not in a hurry
But through a hurrying inflation in Harare

Testing for an unknown quantity
And the Arab Spring sprang and strayed unto stranded sand
In the sandy Maghreb

Struggling for her identity
And Naija’s Abuja harbours a sleeping giant
In the gaping bowels of Africa

Pressing down press freedom
And Jamal Khashoggi was mince meat for a neat prince
In an Embassy he entered but never exited

Those hands on deck
Global hands under lock
To dole us problems
You know them… tell them